Chapter 44

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I can't help but notice that Lindsey has been acting strange. At lunch, she seemed off, distracted even. She didn't seem to want to share whatever it was that had her acting odd, so I decided not to pry. I know she'll come to me when she's ready to talk about it.

I keep checking on her, though, studying her to see if she's returned to her usual self or not. As the day wore on, I thought she had shaken whatever it was that had her wound up, but when we got back to the apartment, she started getting fidgety. I asked if she was alright, and she insisted she was. But she hesitated before walking inside; it seemed like she was listening closely for something before she passed the threshold.

Maybe I'm imagining it, waiting for something crazy to happen since things with us have been going so well. I have no idea what could be causing her to act this way, though.

At dinner, I started to get a sense of what the issue may be. Lins would barely look at Taylor. Sure, they would talk and be friendly as usual, but Lins couldn't seem to look Taylor directly in the face. And when she came close, she turned a subtle shade of pink.

Okay... So this has something to do with Tay?

I watched Taylor for any signs of odd behavior too. What I found- nothing. She was acting perfectly normal under the circumstances. In fact, with everything going on with her job, she was pretty chipper- more so than she had been for several days. As I observe her and Lins through dinner, I find that Taylor is acting pretty normal. In fact, she's beaming.

I wonder if her boss figured something out. Maybe that's why she hasn't stopped smiling all night...

Curiosity gets the better of me. "So, Tay, has your supervisor figured out anything yet? Did he find proof that Max was lying so you can get your job back?"

She glances up at me, her face holding all of the elation that's been there all night. "No, not yet. But he's working on it. Hopefully, he'll find something soon."

Okay, so it's not work. What has gotten into her?

Dinner continues, and Liam and Taylor start talking. I tune them out as I take another look at Lins. Her eyes are wider than normal, and she has the tiniest smirk working at the corner of her lips. Her beautiful greens keep bouncing between Tay and Liam, excitement starts building behind her gaze. As if she senses me staring, her head snaps in my direction, training her face into a more relaxed look.

We make it through the rest of dinner, but I keep catching Lindsey throwing strange looks toward Liam and Taylor. This only fuels my confusion. I feel so out of the loop. I make the decision to ask Lins what's going on when we're alone.

I don't have to wait as long as I thought I would for the opportunity. After we clean up from dinner, Liam grabs his coat and says he's heading out to meet up with some of the guys for a few drinks. Shortly after he leaves, Taylor tells us she's heading out to get another workout in for the day. The second Tay announces that I hear a weird sound come from Lindsey's side of the room.

Did she just squeak?

Once Taylor leaves, I turn my attention to Lindsey. I'm tempted to forget all the strange happenings of the night and spend the next few hours ravishing my girl, now that we have the apartment to ourselves. My curiosity wins out in the end, and I decide I need to get to the bottom of what's been going on today.

"Babe, what's going on with you today? Did something happen? You've been acting strange since I saw you at lunch." I run my hands up and down her arms, trying to calm any anxiety she may have about whatever happened.

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