Chapter 1: The picture

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Crew's pov:

I was currently taking a conference call as my maid Lana came in with a wine glass filled with wine and a pile of folders.

I held and hand to indicate for her too stay and give me a moment. She bowed her head and kept her eyes on the floor.

I sighed... "Yes brother I understand thank you I have too go now those folders your father so politely decided to burden me with are here."

"Crew be serious you need to prove to society your not some creatine, please brother just at least look at them and if you find none appealing then you don't have to partake."

Sigh..."sure" and with that I hung the phone back in it's receiver. "You can come now Lana."

The maid bowed her head and whispered a "yes m'lord." And dropped off the folders along with the glass of blood and left the room.

I growled when I looked at the folders. I wasn't fond of this particular law of lord's and ladies of higher up class vampires needing at least one 'pet'. I don't see the worth of a human pet, to be honest I didn't care for it all the pets in this damned town were tame and I needed something more to excite me besides I have enough tameness in my life it's nerve racking. I chugged the glass down in one gap.

It's been roughly 15 minutes and to no surprise none caught my eye. A knock sounded at the door. I fixed my tie and smoothed out my messy hair. "Enter."

In walked one of the pet shop owners as be bowed to me I inclined my head and gestured towards a seat. He sat and smiled at me. I took in his appearance he was balding, fat, his teeth crooked and his overall stench was something I wasn't fond of he reeked of blood and cigar smoke and sex.

"Lord Dawson, did you look over the files?'

"I did sir antwon, But have not found one to my liking."

Antwon smiled and slid a folder too me

I picked it up and looked at him waiting for him to explain

"I figured you wouldn't find one of those ones interesting so I went to my brother's shop and asked him to give me his most special folder and I must say when I looked at it, it made me almost sure you'd be interested in this one."

Doubt it.

I opened the folder and I swear if I had a heart it would race right about now. In fact I'm sure my undead heart just skipped a beat. This little lilly was some what captivating.

I skimmed through the documents and read out loud.

Name: Verena Vanadey

Age: 21

Eye color: Pearl Blue

Hair: Snow White Red

Hair length: long

Height: 5'2

Weight: 122

Breast size: 32 DDD

Butt size: L

Blood type: O+(positive)

Allergies: Nuts

Tattoos: 4

Piercings: 3

Description: while Verena has special blood she is both delicate, timid, shy, but also a wild little thing. She has never been another's pet had never been broken in.
Has been called untrainable.

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