A dream i had today

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I forgot to say in my last page that i had this really cool dream! It was about there was this therian doing quads outside my house and i asked my dad if i could go out to see them and play but he said no, you can go tommorrow (cause it was night) but i was to eager and impatient so i snuck outside and boom for some reason its morning- anyway im outside and i see this forest so i go to explore then i see the therians again but i fall down this hill a therian starts chasing after me and catches me. They said i should be more carful around the forest. Then they realised my tail and new straight away for some reason i was a therian! So they invited me to their pack where they had a camp outside with hamics (idk how to spell) we just talked for a while and that was my new home. I felt so amazing i hope i have another dream like that tonight. 

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