April 14, 2022

258 4 1

First things first! I discoverd my new theriotype :D its a orange abbyssian cat, if you go back to the page behind this one all the things that were in my shift were checked! Ive been practicing quads and ive gotten good at pounces! A couple days ago i was laying down on the grass in my backyard looking up at the clouds and i had a wolf shift <3 

Venting upahead!

Im really mad because i might never see my friends, family members or go to th junior high i promised my friend id go to because i might move houses im so mad and sad right now cus i had so many good memories here and + ill miss my backyard and neighborhood so much i hate this i hate it so much i just wanna go back to simpler times where i didint have to think about school or health or MOVING HOUSES! 😖

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