August 31 , 2022

139 4 1

Were at 69 pages :') (technically, cuz i counted the drafts aswell)

So oh my gosh. I have a story for you guys today :.. 

tw: mention of vomit & sickness

So like i was working at my aunts pet shop as usual cuz it was tuesday, went to go help dry off one of the dogs and then i just fell on the ground, i somehow ended up on the ground in the office then my aunt came in and she was like; what are you doing?? And i didint answer cuz i was too tired but i ended up going home early still felt like i was gonna puke though.

This story is way better though, trust me. Yesterday we went to see the beautiful new moon overlap the sunset and it was pur forest and i felt so shifty!! Only my wolf theriotype, but somehow i think i also had a small black cat shift. Which was awesome!! I ran across this giant brigde atleast 5 times XD then i sat on the edge of this patio, dangling my legs off the edge. Looking into the nearly faded sunset. Oooo that rhymed!!

Speaking of the forest. When we were walking to our car to go home, i saw one of the spirits again! It was a wolf, it kinda looked like my theriotype. It was laying down on the grass, curled up beneath the trees. I swear i have a spirit guide, im telling you!! This is so exciting! I can maybe find new people at school tomorrow to be friends with, like cmon.. theres gotta be atleast 1 therian there!! Im super excited! See you guys tomorrow, for the last entry of this diary.

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as lustfull as a lion,

as strong as a wolf,

as light-hearted as a lynx.

as tough as every black cat.

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Iro~

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