July 16, 2022

104 4 2

Sorry for not updating for 6 days :') i didint have ascess to my ipad for a couple of days :)

I found out theres another person in this body, along with me. Their name is Sage. Heres a short introduction by them;

Hi! Im Sage or "Demoth", my pronouns are they/it/red/demon/roar! Im a therian, polymorph and plantkin. I used to be a deity.. but i sadly died and got trapped in a mortal body! 

My kintype list: Dalmatien, dusicyon cultridens, coastal wolf, rosekin, and black timber wolf polymorph! 

Im pretty nice when you get to know me, i use typing quirks sometimes. (O = ☆) im aroace; a xenohoarder; and agender!

Back to me, (magnolia/ace) im literally so happy!! We might move to calgary in a year if our dad gets a promotion, that means we'll live on a acaridge or how ever you spell it- and i'll finally get my own room and aaaa im just so happy!! Theres gonna be so much room to do quads and we'll probably live by a forest so i can shift and make a den and eee!

I had a shift, cant tell what it was tho...im also questioning a squirrel and shark theriotype (tho im terrified of sharks-)! Which is pretty cool! I think thats all for today..? Im not sure, oh wait! I went to galaxy land yesterday and had a pool party with my friend which was really fun! Saw some runaway kids, it may sound stupid but i envy them.. kinda, maybe, ok i dont really but they looked realky cool like i liked their outfits lol.. uh 

Thats it!

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as lustfull as a lion,

as strong as a wolf,

as light-hearted as a lynx.

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

~Ace's therian diary~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora