Chapter 2

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Y/N pov

I felt cold all around my body as I fluttered my eye open. My vision was blurry as I heard someone talking but couldn't make it out

Voice 1: We...quickly! He's...blood!

Voice 2: Can...stabilise...?

Voice 3: Trying!

My vision's slowly becomes clearer allowing me to see a soldier wearing all black patching my stab wound. I noticed that my left eye is bandaged. The soldier noticed me awake

Soldier 1: Hey hey, calm down. You just got stab in the chest, luckily for you the blade didn't hit both of your lungs or heart. You've also lost a lot of blood, I'm kinda surprised that you're not in a coma, right now

Another soldier came up to him with a stretcher

Soldier 2: What's the status on our VIP?

Soldier 1: I got the bleeding stopped and luckily for him, none of his organs are hit. But that doesn't mean we can ease up. How long are we touchdown?

Soldier 2: In a few minutes, let's get him ready for the infirmary

They lift me up onto the stretcher as I heard another voice that I'm familiar with

Price: Alright, open the door quickly!

A soldier opens the door and was greeted by paramedics who kept stabilising me while we are going to the infirmary along with Price. He look at me

Price: You're gonna be alright, Y/N

I started to feel sleepy causing everyone to panic

Price: Get him in the infirmary stat!

I closed my eye feeling tired all of a sudden

3rd pov

Price just watch as Y/N is being taken into the operating room. He sigh before walking down the hallway. He passed by some soldiers before arriving in front of a door. He knocked

Voice: Come in

He walk in the room to see a man in a general outfit standing up looking out from the window

He walk in the room to see a man in a general outfit standing up looking out from the window

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Price: General Shepherd

The said man turn around and see Price there

Shepherd: Ah, Price, nice to see you made it back alive. I heard that you pick up someone along the way, might I ask who was it?

Price: Someone who was accused for something he didn't do

Makarov: Someone who got f**k by the system, huh? Well, that's shit

They turn to see a man leaning against the wall

They turn to see a man leaning against the wall

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Price: Since when did you get here, Makarov?

Makarov: I have my ways. Anyway, what are we gonna do with him? Surely, we can't just leave him be

Shepherd: We'll take him in. He's already been betrayed by Griffin. He may know some information about them and our enemies

Price: While I was at their base, I managed to get a look in his profile. Take a look

He puts it on the table as the other two man started reading it

Price: He suffered a terrible childhood, family was killed in a firefight between Griffin forces and Sangvis Ferri forces. He was recruited into Griffin and was known to be the best commander of all time while leading his unit to victory after victory all with the odds against him. And finally, he was branded as a pervert for harassing T-dolls and shipgirls, and traitor for feeding information to the Sangvis Ferri

The other two men look sympathy at what he has been through. They understand what the effects of having to see their parents die right in front of them

Makarov: Do they have proof of any of this doing?

Price grit his teeth and clenched his hand

Price: Yes, but...

Price plug in a USB to Shepherd's computer and play a video recording. Makarov and Shepherd watches carefully and notices something is already off. Once the video finished

Shepherd: It's fake. The video have been edited

Makarov: How come they didn't noticed this?

Price: They're bloody blind for not double checking the recorder

Shepherd: They believe a video recorder without truly investigating it. That's bullshit!

Price: The video was not up yet, but somehow everyone was against him even before it was published

Makarov: Someone must have gossip about him doing these things before putting the video up

Shepherd: We'll have to investigate it thoroughly, I'll get a team to look into it. As for Y/N, I'll get him into Shadow Company

He look at Price

Shepherd: How's he at shooting guns?

Price: He has good gun skills and knows how to override security doors, he has room for improvements

Makarov: We can make a soldier out of him

Shepherd: Alright. I guess that about clears it. Once Y/N is awake, I'll ask him

They other two men nodded agreeing to the plan before leaving the room


Y/N pov

I slowly open my eye to see a white ceiling as I heard beeping. I look to my left to see that I'm hooked to an IV monitor. I slowly sit up as I slightly wince at the pain in my chest. I look down to see that my chest is wrapped with bandages. My left eye was also wrapped with bandages as my memories slowly comes back about the betrayal and being accused. I clenched my hands in anger

You: After everything we've been through this how they repay me?

Voice: You shouldn't clench so hard. Or else you'll bleed again

I look up to see a man wearing an officer uniform walking in the room. He pulls a chair and sit on it

You: Who are you?

Shepherd: I'm General Shepherd, the leader of this base. I must say, you've impressed me. Now normally, someone would have died if they are in your situation. But're something else

You: Uhm thanks?

I scratch my neck in confusion

You: I assume that you need something from me?

Shepherd: You assume correct. I need information about Griffin and Sangvis Ferri, in exchange you have a better home and work for me

I thought for a moment before looking at the General Shepherd who is waiting for my answer

You: (I mean that sounds like a good idea. I don't have anywhere to go anyway)

You: Alright, I'll tell you everything I know. I have nothing to do with the Griffin

The General smile

Shepherd: That's good to hear. Once you've recovered, you can tell me everything you know

You: What will I be doing if I "work" for you?

Shepherd: You'll be undergoing training and deploy for missions. Our objective is to eliminate the Sangvis Ferri and protect humanity. You'll have some downtime between missions to keep you in shape. Other than that, welcome to the Coalition

You: Thank you, sir

He stood up

Shepherd: Now rest up, you got a long day ahead of you

He walk out of the room and close the door. I slowly lay down on the medical bed

You: I'll show you... I'll show you all...

I closed my eye and fall asleep

(On Hold) The Betrayed G&K CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now