Chapter 17

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3rd pov

The sounds waves clashing with each other violently can be heard as a naval base can be seen a few meters away. The water themselves aren't the usual calm blue colour instead it's black with a hint of red but not very noticeable. There's a storm hovering above the waterline with a hint malice as well. Underneath the waterline a nuclear submarine is seen floating stationary. The tubes in front of the submarine opens up before shooting out small submarines with scuba divers holding onto them. After riding the small submarines for a bit, the divers all disembarked from them and ascend up towards an opening in the middle of the base which has two futuristic submarines with black and red decal. A diver scanned the area and spots only four guards patrolling the area. He signals the rest of the divers letting them know there are only four hostiles which they nodded and four divers get into position to take out the guards. As they wait for the guards to come closer which they did and the four divers pulled them into the water shocking the guards who are humanoid Sirens. The divers slash them in throats causing them to thrash before pushing them to the bottom of the sea. The guards bodies slowly gone limp as the divers surfaces. The divers discarded their oxygen tanks and scuba gear revealing them to be the T-dolls of MTFE and four soldiers from Valor 3-2

Five-Seven: Area clear. No alarms triggered, they still don't know we're here

She cocks her dual pistols as she scans the area. UMP45 cocks her gun beside her

UMP45: Let's hope it'll stay that way

Y/N cocks his AK-12 with holographic sight and suppressor

You: Alright, let's move quickly before they noticed the guards

They all begin stealthily moving up to the door that leads outside. They stacked up and Y/N opens the door quietly with his rifle ready. He checks the coast is clear before signalling it to everyone and walking out of the building. Rain starts pouring into the harbour along with lightning. They took cover behind some crates as Y/N turn to everyone

You: We'll split up from here, UMP45, take your group and plant charges on their ships as we planned, Dunn, you take the snipers and set up at a vantage point overlooking the entire area, M4A1, you and your group head to the communication building and download any files that's seem useful

WA2000: What about you, Commander?

You: We'll head to the weapons depot and plant charges along the fuel line. Remember, every second counts, don't waste it

With that they all nodded and begin heading to their assigned objectives. HK416 cautiously walked towards the docks which houses Siren ships. She turn the corner to see some guards patrolling the docks

UMP45: Eight guards, four of them are in constant view of each other. We'll take the first eight before taking out the middle group

The rest of her team nodded and moves in to eliminate. The first to go down is a guard who was gazing at the ocean which resulted in her getting slashed in her throat before being pushed into the water by UMP9. The second guard was checking on the supplies which got her stabbed from behind with her mouth covered preventing her from screaming by Five-Seven. She quickly disposed of the body as HK416 and UMP45 synchronised their shots killing off the other two guards with their suppressed weapons. Both bodies fell on the floor causing a loud thud catching the last four guards

Siren 1: What was that?

Siren 2: Don't know let's check it

One of them started walking towards the source of the sound while the other three continues to looking at that direction. Unknown by them, they are being aimed at by the hidden MTFE who all have their sights trained on their respective target's head. UMP45 had a perfect shot on the moving guard

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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