Chapter 11

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3rd pov

After the late night call with General Shepherd, he entered his dorm only to be yelled at for taking too long and that staying up late is bad. He sweat drop and managed to calm them down by basically allowing them to sleep with him which they all agree immediately. Luckily for him, they didn't do anything to him while he was sleeping. Now, he is currently standing in a digital briefing room with Phoenix Squad

You: Alright, last night I was up late because I was searching for AR-15's location, and sure enough I managed to located her

A digital map appear in front of the T-dolls as Y/N point at the exact location of AR-15

You: She is currently being held at this large Sangvis base, the base is attached with an underground railway system which is the base's main supply line. The General has ordered this mission to be accomplished before tomorrow, so we're on a time limit. Any questions?

M4A1 raised her hand which Y/N nodded at her to ask her questions

M4A1: Commander, how can we even complete this mission with just three T-dolls?

SOP-II: I think we can take them head-on M4, right, Commander?

PK: Don't be ridiculous, we'll be heavily outnumbered and who knows if that railway can transport reinforcement...

You: Well, you're not going in alone. We'll have someone to back us up on this mission, and that someone would be probably familiar with all of you

Then another person enters the briefing room

Kalina: Y/N! Long time no see! How have you been?

You: Good...

Kalina: Heh, still the same as ever, huh?...

Kalina still kinda sad that Y/N didn't greeted her the same way as she did to him but knows that it'll take time

You: I assumed that Kryuger allowed us to have another joint assault?

Kalina: Yup! He has already agreed to it and has sent some T-dolls to assisted you along with some commanders

You: Experience or...

Kalina: Experience. The three commanders were demoted to janitor duties after their failed attempts to framed you. Also Mr. Kryuger says thank you for the quick repairs you did for the base

You: No problem. And about the T-dolls...

Kalina: You're in charge of your previous T-dolls

As she said that Echelon 1's T-dolls appeared in the briefing room, they are sitting a bit away from Phoenix Squad. HK416 glared at M4A1 and SOP-II but mostly M4A1

You: HK416...

She look towards Y/N immediately once her name is called as he inhaled some air

You: The success of this mission depends on working together with BOTH of MY units. I don't want any fights happening between both parties. Do I make myself clear?

He cross his arms looking directly in her eyes which causes some of the girls to shiver. HK416 look down and nodded hoping not to anger Y/N. She then felt someone patting her head which cause her blinked before looking up to see Y/N's hand patting her

You: I told you that we'll meet again, HK416. I'll see you all soon. Dismissed

He then disconnected from the meeting along with Kalina while the girls stayed for a bit

UMP-45: So you girls are the Commanders new squad? I don't think I've heard that PK was in the AR team

M4A1: No, I found her while rescuing SOP-II. We were in a tight spot luckily she was there to provide us the firepower that we needed

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