Chapter 10

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After rescuing SOP-II, she was immediately taken to General Shepherd to be debriefed. She told him about everything after the AR team split up and about AR-15. Shepherd hummed quite satisfied that nothing has happened to SOP-II along with the intel of the local Ringleader. Although, he now has to deal with rescuing AR-15 from Hunter which is no small task

Shepherd: Thank you for your cooperation, SOP-II. We'll have to think of a plan to rescue her and find out where she is, until then you'll be staying with Y/N for now along with M4A1 and PK. Also, you'll be put in Phoenix Squad as well

As he said that SOP-II grins and bow at him. She is super happy to be staying with M4A1 along with her new commander

SOP-II: Thank you, General Shepherd!

He nodded

Shepherd: No problem, now I think M4A1 and PK are waiting for you outside the door

She nodded before walking out of Shepherd's office to which she was met with M4A1 and PK who were standing outside like Shepherd said. M4A1 was touring PK around the base so that she won't get lost. It is a very big base. They notices SOP-II

M4A1: It seems you have finished your debrief. Now, let's get you two to our dorm

She starts walking with SOP-II and PK behind her

SOP-II: How long have you been here, M4?

Curious about how many days has her leader spent on this base

M4A1: Not too long actually, I have only been here for a day

SOP-II tilted her head

SOP-II: Ehh? You were here for only a day? I thought you were here for a few days

PK: How can you even know your way around the base only for a day of staying here?

M4A1 laugh nervously while having a blush on her face

M4A1:...I might have had some help...

PK: From the Commander?

M4A1: Noo... You'll meet them soon enough, but please do not try to kill them

PK and SOP-II look at each other wondering why would they try to kill them as they have arrived at their dorm. M4A1 opens the door thanks for her own copy of the key that Scarecrow got for her. She walk in as PK and SOP-II follow her which immediately got them to jaw drop at the sight of the inside

SOP-II: T-This is our dorm?! This looks like one of those penthouse!

PK: My god...

The inside was so beautiful and very clean fitted with luxurious furniture which makes PK and SOP-II to want to live here. SOP-II jumps on the couch and squeals at how soft it is while PK look around aimlessly

SOP-II: It's so soft! I want to stay here forever!

PK: Me too...

Scarecrow: You are welcome to stay anyway

They turn their heads to see the former Sangvis Ringleader come out from the kitchen with lunch in her hands. PK and SOP-II have their guards up ready to beat the shit out of her

SOP-II: Hold up! How can a Sangvis scum is living here?!

Scarecrow: Ouch, that kinda hurts

She places the foods on the dining table while still getting glared at by two T-dolls. M4A1 stood in between of them and laugh nervously while waving her hands

M4A1: C-Calm down SOP-II, PK. She has been living with the Commander for a longer time than I have

PK:...And he trust her?

She nodded as PK and SOP-II look down to the ground

PK: (How can the Commander have a lot of girls attracted to him?)

SOP-II: (I will rip her insides out if she ever dares to do hurt the Commander!)

Executioner: What's with all the commotion out here?

Executioner come out from the workshop which only anger SOP-II

SOP-II: There's two of them?!

M4A1: W-Wait SOP-II! They are on our side!

That sentence stops SOP-II as she look at her in confusion

SOP-II:...They're on our side?

M4A1: Yes, in other words our comrades...

SOP-II: Ohh...

She look at the two former Sangvis Ringleaders and bow

SOP-II: Hehe, Sorry about earlier... I was not expecting two Sangvis Ringleaders would be our comrades...

Scarecrow smile

Scarecrow: It's fine, no harm done. Anyway, lunch is ready

They all took their seats at the dining table. The aroma of the dishes enter their nostrils causing them to drool at how delicious the foods are

Executioner: And just like that, they're all whipped for the food...

Scarecrow: Aren't we all whipped for Y/N?

Executioner: No comment, Scarecrow

Scarecrow shook her head at her partner before clapping her hands

Scarecrow: Let's eat first, Y/N will join us shortly after he's done whatever he is doing

They all nodded even though they wanted to eat with Y/N but don't want the food to go cold. They begin eating the food while chatting with one another


Somewhere else in the base is a dark room filled with multiple monitors as someone is typing on the keyboard. This person is none other than Y/N who is hacking into the Sangvis Network. Multiple windows pop up with digit codes. He decipher the codes and locates a single coordinate. He then opens the tactical map and enters the coordinate which zooms in on the location which leads to a huge Sangvis base with railway tracks

You: Found you, AR-15...

He then opens his contacts list and sends the coordinate to "Kryuger". After the coordinate has been sent, he stood up and begins walking towards his dorm for food. While on the way to his dorm, he opens his phone and dial in a number. The person answer the call

You: General, sorry to call you up this late but I've found the location of AR-15. She's located in a large Sangvis base near Griffin... Understood, sir. I'll get the team ready

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