Chapter 4

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3rd pov

An overview from the TAC map of the world. The icon of Valor 3-2 is displayed on the map

Makarov: How's the raid on the Sangvis FOB?

Shepherd: It ended perfectly without a single casualty as expected of Valor 3-2

Ranger: Sirs, you got a call

Makarov: From who?

Ranger: I don't know. He says that he's a friend of yours

Price: Put him through

A call icon appears with the name "Kryuger"

Kryuger: Gentlemen...

Makarov: Well, if isn't our resident contractor. How have you been, Kryuger?

Kryuger: Not looking good. The Sangvis has launched an attack on our base. We can't hold them for long, and needed assistance

The location of the said base appears on the map with red blips moving towards it

Kryuger: They've brought a lot of firepower with them this time. And we're low on ammunition. We need your help, please...

Shepherd:...Alright. We'll spare some resources for you

Kryuger: Thank you

The call ended

Makarov: You shouldn't have help them

Price: Easy Makarov. As they said "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Makarov: Alright then. Who are we gonna send?

Shepherd: Valor 3-2. They should be enough. Give them a wake up call

Valor 3-2 moves towards the base location as the camera zooms in

Y/N pov

We're currently on board of a blackhawk flying towards the Griffin base. We flew over a ridge as the base is in our view. Gunshots can be seen as each sides shoots to kill the other side

Ramirez: This is gonna be huge battle

Dunn: There's a lot of enemies as well

James: That's war, I'll tell ya. We're going to war

Hammer 2-1: We'll get you as close as we can

They flew us over the base as a gate exploded and enemy T-dolls enters the area

HK416: The main perimeter has been breached!

James: Give them some support fire!

I cock my SCAR-H with ACOG sight and angle grip. I open fire on some Sangvis T-dolls killing them. I switch targets and let out a burst killing a soldier holding up a frag grenade. The grenade bounce and exploded killing any soldiers around him. The chopper go down near the ground as I hop out onto the ground with everyone else. The chopper then go up and flies away. We took cover as more enemy forces enters the perimeter. We all peak out and open fire on them taking some of them. They return fire as we took cover. I grab a frag grenade and cook it

You: Frag out!

I toss it as it landed on the ground next to them as an explosion soon followed and killed the T-dolls

James: Squad, rally on me!

We all rally on James as he swaps his mag

James: Alright, listen up. There's a lot of enemies scattered around this base. We need to thin them out as quickly as possible. Divide and conquer. Dunn, I need you to find a sniping position that cover most of this base

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