Real Quick.

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"Oh fuck," Tee said.

Dee tilted his head and furrowed his brow. "What is it?"

"Nothing. It's just that we were wrong."

"Wrong about what?"

"So," Tee paused. Realizing that you're actually fucking stupid make your confidence do a nose dive. "Batman wasn't the first of that multiverse."

Dee caught on to his brother's epiphany as well. "...Oh god dammit," his eyes widened slightly.

"What is it?" Ren asked the brothers.

"Dee couldn't get his shit right, that's what." A comment Dee didn't take too kindly to.

"Fuck you."

"Point being, Batman wasn't the one that kicked off this multiverse. That achievement belongs to another."

"Okay," Dee tried calming down. "Let's just figure out what we want to show them next."

"Agreed," Tee said. "How about-" before he could start talking, he was interrupted by another tremor shaking the theater. This one was stronger and went on for longer than the previous ones, and actually knocked quite a few of them out of their seats and onto the floor, Saphron, Terra and Adrian floating, to keep them safe.

With his popcorn spilled all over his lap, Marrow was the first to shout. "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"Holy shit," muttered Tee.

"Holy shit," his brother followed.

They both turned to look at each other before huge grins spread over their faces. For a beat, it was silent, and before anyone could ask the brothers what happened, they jumped as they suddenly exclaimed.


Blake, being the only one with an extra set of ears that were more sensitive, recoiled in pain and tried covering both pairs of ears at the same time. Meanwhile, the two gods began pacing back and forth while rambling unintelligibly.

"We really getting the Sinister Six," Tee muttered before doing an about-face and continuing to pace.

Dee, having done the same, passed by his brother and said, "All the previous villains coming together."

The brothers, again, did a full 180 and passed each other again. "Who's the sixth?" Tee whispered.

"No, the question is how do they die? Marco and Connors didn't die."

"What about the part where Ock said, 'You're not-'"

Growing impatient, Robyn shouted and interrupted the brothers' little trance. "Hey!" The brothers turned to look at the leader of the Happy Huntresses just after they passed each other again.

"What happened now?" Robyn demanded.

Looking around, the two realized they had been blind to the audience, who had become concerned about such a strong tremor.

"Sorry," Dee apologized. "Just... so much is happening all of a sudden."

"I told you this was a bad time to do this," Tee looked at his brother. "¡Pero ay pues no! ¡'Hazlo,' dijiste!" They could ask what was wrong with his head later, but they could tell Tee was using a bit of sarcasm while waving his hands around angrily.

Dee ignored his brother to address their guests. "So... the uh... the Multiverse is kinda fucked."

Their eyes went wide as he said that. They were ready to demand they help or do something to prevent some sort of catastrophe when Tee spoke up.

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