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RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth, and Tomska is Tomska


The screen in front of them turned on and showed Jaune and Ren. Jaune sat on a couch reading a book, while Ren sat at a table playing on a hand-held game console.

Now Ren was surprised. Emerald was right, seeing himself did feel strange.

"Huh," was all he had to say.

Ren then turned to Jaune and asked, "Jaune? Do you ever wonder if there are parallel universes?"

Now the group was interested. The first few seconds had already captivated them, what with it related to what they were doing here.

With hardly a moment of consideration, Jaune simply answered, "No." After which he quickly returned to reading his book, and Ren returned to his game.

"Well, we don't have to wonder," Yang commented.

White text abruptly appeared on a black background accompanied by narration. Something that threw the crowd off for a brief second.


in a parallel universe where

cloning is legal

The scene was exactly the same as it began, however, another Jaune popped up from behind the table Ren was sitting at, showing exactly what the narration depicted.

"Wanna practice kissing?" Clone Jaune asked.

After a small moment to think it over, Jaune responded nonchalantly.


"Wait, wha-" before Nora could voice what the rest were thinking after seeing this interaction, her, along with the others', train of thought was interrupted by more text and narration.


in a parallel universe where

people occasionally mistake their hand for a bear

Jaune, once again reading his book, lifted his hand to turn a page. But when it crossed his line of sight he immediately freaked out and screamed, causing Ren to jump in surprise.


Again, they were all caught off guard by the absurdity and ridiculousness of the events taking place onscreen. Some had actually gotten a small snort at Jaune's actions.


in a parallel universe where

books are hot

Blake's team had smiled and raised their eyebrows, Sun doing the same, with he, Ruby, and Yang giggling as they turned to her. The rest were just as confused about the double meaning.

Which was why it was funnier to team RWBY and Sun when the screen showed Jaune holding his book more cautiously while lightly juggling it between his hands.

"Ow. Ow. Ow," he muttered.

That had gotten them to laugh at the double meaning of the sentences' phrasing.

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