Meeting Every Version of YOU from the Multiverse.

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I do not own anything here. RWBY was created by Monty Oum and owned by Rooster Teeth. Wizards With Guns is owned by Wizards with Guns.


Growing concerned that their all-powerful hosts suddenly stopped responding, they all backed up, nervous about what might happen if they got too close. Finally, Neptune was the one that worked up the courage...

To push Sun forward.

Before Sun could protest, he jumped back, letting out a high-pitched yelp, as the eyes of the two brothers began flashing through every color imaginable. One at a time at first, then gradually speeding up. This continued for several seconds, until the colors all blurred and blended together. Then they suddenly stopped, returning to their natural blank whites. Almost as soon as they did, both brothers disappeared. Before anyone could ask what that was about, the theater started shaking again, but more violently this time.

"WhAT IiiISs thiiIIiIsS?!" Qrow shouted. The shaking ground made his voice sound like he was yelling into a fan. Much like last time, Pietro, Maria, and the Cotta-Arc family were suspended in the air, protected from the tremor. It was worse than the last ones. It went on for much longer, too. Realistically, it might have only been a couple of minutes, but to the audience, it felt like it would never stop.

When the shaking finally died down, Dee reappeared, but it was without his brother. He wore sweats and an oversized hoodie, and though they couldn't see his eyes - being covered by his sunglasses again - they could see the dark circles underneath them. He looked tired, but he didn't act like it. He just manifested a glass of mango juice in his hand and sat in his seat with a genuine smile. "Sup?"

Nora decided to jump in, displeased with being shaken to the ground. "What happened to 'this is natural'!?"

Leaning back, Dee leaned his head on his hand and said, "Oh, that one wasn't because of the multiverse, that was my brother screaming into the uncaring void. He's just... upset right now. He'll be fine," he dismissed.

"... So... what was with that whole flashy eyes thing?" Robyn asked.

Dee waved it off, "Eh, just catching up on the goings-on of the multiverse recently. Y'know, speaking of, there was an interesting little event in a different version of your universe. It was kinda weird and was an insanely ridiculous event, but it was kinda fun to see."

This interested Pietro. "Really? May I ask what happened?" He was excited to learn about what happened in a universe like their own.

"Meh, not much," he shrugged. "They had their own little excursion through the multiverse. If I'm being completely honest, I only looked into it because Tee was way more interested in the other universe they encountered. We've actually got a few worlds from that neck of the multiverse on the list of universes we wanted to show you."

Deciding to bring attention to his less-than-stellar condition, Marrow spoke up and asked, "Um... Are you okay?"

"Meh. I'm fine." He waved his hand in dismissal. "I mean... I can't really taste anything anymore, but it'll sort itself out," he shrugged. He sounded and acted completely normal, but he looked like he'd been sick for a month.

"Anyway, While my brother's gone, I'm just gonna..." he snapped his fingers and the screen lit up again to show their friend. The audience took this as their cue to find their seats again to watch the world Dee had picked.

Like many viewings before, this one started focusing on Jaune Arc.

Noticing the furniture, Saphron asked aloud, "Is that my parent's house?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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