Redacted Episode 1: Mal0 v1.0.0

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Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. RWBY was created by Monty Oum and owned by Rooster Teeth. I do not own the SCP Foundation. Redacted was created by Lot1 Production.

"Pbbt. Pbbt. Pbbt." Tee kept blowing out air through his mouth as he looked at the list in his hands. "Pbbt. What should be next?"

Dee looked over his shoulder at the list. "What about that one?" he put his finger on the paper.

"Hmm. I like what you're thinking, but I don't know if they'll like it. They only know about Grimm."

Qrow raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Ooh, what about that one?" he pointed again. "Not so bad, but also a decent start to that particular set of universes."

"Ooh," Tee nodded. "Funny enough, I think 1471 was the first one I learned about when I found out about this world."

"Wait, what do you mean 'only Grimm'? What does he mean 'only Grimm'?" Marrow asked his teammates.

Tee made the piece of paper vanish over his shoulder as he turned to the audience. "Alrighty, then! We got one for ya."

"So, y'all have Grimm in your world. Honestly, an okay set of monsters," Dee jumped in. Some found his nonchalantness confusing, others insulting. These were monsters that outnumbered them by thousands to one, and he just dismissed them. "So, we want to let you guys see some other stuff from this particular part of the multiverse."

Tee cleared his throat. "A place where the unexplained can be explained. A place where dreams are nightmares, and nightmares become real."

"Where the truly horrifying ideas of our people manifest, and the stupidest of our ideas are unleashed."

"Where- "

"Oh just get to the point, already!" Harriet shouted. Their whole tirade was both confusing and annoying.

"Pfft. Fine." Dee slumped his shoulders. "This part of the multiverse is chock-full of a bunch of different threats, creatures, and anomalies. Things that are more dangerous than you can imagine. Things that are more dangerous than the Grimm of your world."

Fear filled their bodies as a shiver ran up their spines. They had lost Atlas to the Grimm. Grimm overran Beacon Academy at the moment. And now they were about to be shown a world with things more dangerous. More terrifying. They understood Tee's meaning now. They only knew about the Grimm. But if they had seen the multiverse, including their own home, and still called this world more dangerous, they couldn't even begin to imagine the nightmares they talked about.

"Now, obviously, we don't want to drop all the horrifying stuff on you immediately, so we're starting off with a very low-threat one," Tee said. "Just something to unnerve you. Make you a wee bit uncomfortable." He snapped his fingers to the screen.

The viewing began with a cardboard box sitting on a black table. Inside was what looked like a manila folder, a file, with a strange circular symbol, almost like a gear with three teeth, and three arrows converging on the center. The clicking of heels was heard, as a woman in a lab coat approached the box and picked it up.

"Believe me, Jaune," the woman began, "fear is a more common reaction to the unknown than you'd think." She had dark red hair, and dark eyes, wearing a black blouse and black square glasses.

As she continued speaking she carried the box to a sofa on the right side of the room. On the opposite side of the sofa was another, with a small coffee table separating them. On that sofa was none other than the focus of these worlds, and a friend to some of the audience, Jaune Arc.

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