|1| Mr. Huxley

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The flowers
were dressed In nothing
But light.

~Mary oliver


I take slow sips of my coffee savoring the flavor as it hits my tongue, the smooth velvety coffee to creamer mixture feels like a warm hug on a cold night, my eyes close while I enjoy this peaceful moment in my office, the smell of Caramel and sug...

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I take slow sips of my coffee savoring the flavor as it hits my tongue, the smooth velvety coffee to creamer mixture feels like a warm hug on a cold night, my eyes close while I enjoy this peaceful moment in my office, the smell of Caramel and sugar pulls a smile to the corners of my lips,

Working for Mr.Huxley isn't exactly riveting, I rarely make time for myself since all my energy goes into work, the company I work at is the biggest design and remodeling company in New York, I have the luxury of being the "great Aaron Huxley's" assistant, I won't lie it's a good job, great even,

Usually, my days at work consist of:
- grabbing coffee for Mr. Huxley and myself.
-smiling at everyone I see and hoping they smile back (they usually don't)
- work, work, and more work usually I get called into Mr. Huxley's office to grab paperwork, but other than that he calls me via the intercom in my office
- I pray and hope the day would be a little better and more interesting than the day before (usually it's the same old routine)
- I have a sandwich for lunch since it's the best thing to exist (next to hugs)
- and then I leave smiling at everyone and getting upset when almost no one smiles back (especially Mr. Huxley, I haven't seen that man smile once in my two years of working here)

I love making people happy, there's something about seeing their whole face transform into a big grin that sets your day up for more happiness,

And knowing I made someone smile means a lot, I try living every day making good decisions and trying my hardest to make some sort of difference even if it's something minuscule,

It's important to remember we don't know what anyone is going through, I try to remember that all people look at life differently and they also handle situations differently too.

So maybe let's say Mr.Huxley just doesn't handle life as good as maybe I do...which is alright but it would be nice to see him smile, to know every compliment I give him, or smile I send him gave him maybe just a small ounce of happiness ,

A smile can change someone's day drastically, I know it changes mine.

I'm only about 5 sips into my coffee when I hear the beep on the intercom and then Mr. Huxley's voice

"Vanessa come to my office now," he says in his usual irritable tone

Well, great...this should be fun,

I put my coffee back down on my coaster but not before taking one more sip, I take a deep breath letting it linger in my mouth before stepping out of my office and closing the door,

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