|12| job interviews and kisses

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The only thing better
Then seeing your smile
Is being able to kiss you.



The smile on Henry's face when I picked him up for the interview will be engraved in my mind for eternity, the sheer happiness across his face when we started to walk to the building made me feel bad about all the morning that I didn't want to go ...

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The smile on Henry's face when I picked him up for the interview will be engraved in my mind for eternity, the sheer happiness across his face when we started to walk to the building made me feel bad about all the morning that I didn't want to go to work...

"Someone gave me 3 dollars so I was able to buy some deodorant" his excitement makes me stop in my tracks and look over at him with shock

My heart just continues to hurt the more I learn about this man, I make a note to make sure to purchase some hygiene products for him along with some snacks and more water, the pure joy he has for being able to buy deodorant hurts me more then I thought it would

I don't even blink an eye when I put my deodorant on every morning and Henry is overjoyed being able to buy it,

Maybe I should consider having him stay at my place for a while...I only have one bed but I could sleep on my couch and I guess that's much better than nothing,

Heading inside the building I see a few people still here but most are already packing up to head home for the day, I see a woman eyeing Henry with a dirty stare at his clothing and overgrown hair, I genuinely wish I was like Aaron right now so I could have the confidence and power to scream at an employee for looking at Henry the wrong way,

knocking on Aaron's door twice I hear the usual 'come in'

"Why do you knock twice?" Henry asks as I open the door

"I just started doing it one day and he and I got used to it, plus that way he knows it me at the door" I shrug

"That makes sense" he nods

As we enter a smile immediately makes its way on my face seeing Aaron, I did see him today yet it feels like it's been weeks for some strange reason,

"Hello Mr. Huxley" I open the door wider for Henry as I talk

"Hello Vanessa, hello Henry, please sit down," he says pointing to the two chairs in front of his desk that I can tell he put there specifically for this and I internally kiss the man for his effort

When Henry and I sit down, Aaron starts talking immediately.

"Okay so first I need to know what you used to work as before you were let off, we can go from there," Aaron says looking at henry after putting some paperwork away in a drawer

"I used to work in construction, doing a little bit of everything" henry smiles sadly as if recalling the memory

Aaron nods while he thinks "okay well I know a lot of construction companies I use when I do builds, I would gladly help you get interviews for, but for now, you can help Zara on the rooftop project building whatever it is she needs help with" Aaron says pulling a pen out

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