~chapter 11~(Chimera Ark)

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Part 2: out of the egg

I stirred inside a tight space. There wasn't enough room to turn around, let alone move. The air was stuffy and stale. I didn't know what I was doing inside this thing, all I knew was that I needed to get out. Now. I pushed and bit back a groan as I realized just how cramped my arms and legs were.

There was something else cramped too, but I couldn't tell what it was at the moment. I pushed against the walls with all my might, before I had to stop and rest again. As I pushed and pushed, I heard cracking sounds emanating from the walls around me. I kept pushing, and before I knew it, my prison split, and blinding lights drilled into my eyes.

I blinked fast, and then let my eyes adjust. I was inside a large glass dome, filled with plants of various sizes and varieties. And then, the memories returned. Mom... I hope she's safe... they better not have gone back on their word, or else I swear they'll pay, government agents or not.

I looked around with more focus and was immediately greeted by eleven or so giant people. they were outside a wall of glass, sure, but that didn't help my growing panic. Is this some type of hallucination? They looked normal, some with lab coats, others with clothing I expected to see in everyday life. On one hand, I didn't know what the deal with their largeness was. Were they trying to step on unsuspecting people?

On the other hand, that would be a very good way to get rid of Caseus. I am suddenly horrified that that is my first thought.

I observed them with a critical eye as One of them came into the dome, and he started to slowly walk towards me.

Get up. Get up. Get up and run.

But my legs didn't seem to be listening to me, and something was very off about my movements anyways, so what was I supposed to do? By the time they finally moved, large hands were lifting me off the ground. I tried to hiss and bite, for some reason, but the person carrying me was wearing thick leather gloves that my tiny teeth couldn't penetrate.

It wasn't until then that I figured out what was so off. Parts of me were longer than they should have been, and I felt as if I had far, far too many limbs. I looked down at myself and was greeted by a scaly body of green and orange-gold, with small sharp spines running down my back. The extra limbs, I finally identified as a tail and two wings. What the heck is happening? AHHHHHHH!! WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING!!!

I wiggled the tail a bit and finally had to admit it.

I survived their experiments... but at what cost???

I was taken out of the dome in a hissing and growling mess, and set inside a small glass cage with a hot lamp hanging from the top. From there, my cage was carried to a small room in the facility that looked somewhat like a check-up room in a doctor's office, but this was definitely a sinister doctor's office. My cage was set down on a table, and my door opened.

The scientist spoke. "Aureola Mercutio, lizard chimera subject 981. Standard chimera DNA, as well as chameleon. Hatched using heat and humidity method 78, first to live through hatching. Prefers fight rather than flight."

The scientist sat down on a chair next to the table with a clipboard, watching me. So I guess he wasn't going to do anything.

Is this what it was like for the others like me that were taken? I'm only wondering why I haven't seen any others yet... after all, I know there are others. But now that I think about it, didn't the data on them say they hatch in one of six main colors? From what I see, I'm sporting three.

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