~Chapter 21~

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I powered my wings to fly through the trees and towards Sahara's treehouse In the village up top. Flying was still really difficult with one line of vision to rely on, but I was getting better.

I slid In through one of the open windows and skidded to a halt on the floor.

Sahara looked up from her kitchen at my noise, and greeted me with a nod, as usual.

"Hello, Aure. perfect timing, did you hear the giant crash an hour ago?"

I started at her question, but righted myself.

"About that... yes. A shuttle crashed Into the Dome. some people got hurt, but luckily, there were no dragonet fatalities. But I'm sad to say that, the dragonet enclosure Is now done for." my mindvoice said through the link.

Sahara made an 'oh' sound but didn't say anything else, Instead just staring at me, with a glimmer of concern In her eyes.

"there were no dragonet fatalities... but I can't say the same for the deaths of the ship's Inhabitants," I said slowly. I saw worry grow In Sahara's eyes as I explained about Avis and her remaining team members.

"Are they here to finish us off?" the older woman said wearily.

I immediately shook my head In response. "I don't think so. they call themselves the Kymari, and they are preservers of nature. the aliens who wiped out the humans are a different race of extraterrestrials entirely."

Sahara just looked down at her cooking food as If pondering my responses.

after a little while, I decided to break the silence.

"Avis and her team are coming, and I don't know how long until they breach the surface. so please make preparations." I said, hoping to convince her.

Sahara looked weary but nodded.

"Well, I guess It's not like I've got anything better to do than prepare, so I'll get on It, as soon as I'm ready," Sahara said.

I nodded, and left, kind-of sorta dreading the upcoming meeting.

how would the kymari react to a village of survivors? would they kill us all? would the village retaliate and make bad blood between us and the aliens? If I was being honest with myself, It was probably the ladder.


I found myself and a bunch of other dragonets a while later In a clearing close to the village that had the entrance of the lab to Its right side.

Avis, however, was nowhere to be found. not yet, anyway. the kymari sure take a long time... something bumped against my side, and I glanced at my left wing to see one of the newer hatchlings of two weeks. this was Luke and Lin's daughter, Eden.

I warbled a greeting to the chick, as well as a mental hello.

the babies were adorable and couldn't really understand sentences, but they could understand some basic feelings and words.

Eden thrummed a greeting back to me. then, after a few moments, her mother poked her head out from behind a tree, and called for the hatchling to come back.

Lin gave the little chick a look when she chirped and refused to move.

I bent down and nosed Eden forward with my snout, and the wingless dragonet hatchling squeaked Indignantly until she was back with her mother, to which she huffed.

"Thanks, Aure. she ran away and I got worried," Lin said through the mental link.

"no problem. all the flock females are here to help with the little ones." my mental voice said with a whistling laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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