~Chapter 18~

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Me and the creature squared off against each other, with me mostly just trying to stay out of It's way.

it was particularly hard since my vision was shot, and for the life of me, I just wanted to slash the thing to bits.

the creature turned and tried to whip It's tail out at me. I managed to deflect It with a blast of fire.

I looked for a moment to see If that had done any damage to It.

I saw only the black lizard's tail still twitching, blisters and burns scarring the scales.

the black lizard was just about to try to chomp down on me, when It was distracted by an angry shriek from above.

I turned to see Audree starting a particularly fierce battle with her prey.

she dove from the sky, with a squadron of dragonets on her tail. I could see Caseus, Lin, and even Micheal following suit. Ocean unsurprisingly was not there. she was probably wrapped up In her evening song, and didn't hear Audree's call for everyone over the general mindlink.

the black lizard Ignored the burning mass of dragonets attacking It, and with surprising speed began to leap away.

I ran over to the others, and began blasting It with a continuous stream of fire.

it's skin sizzled, and It began to cry out In pain.

It still attempted to dodge my attacks, but Audree's group was just too much for It.

within a couple of minutes of continuous clawing and biting, the thing that attacked me was finally dead under our talons.

after I burned the thing to a crisp just to make sure It was actually dead, I abandoned my nest I was digging out and decided to just sleep Inside the dome for the night, since It was actually safe from outside predators.

the slash across my eye was still throbbing the next morning. I was really worried that the slash had penetrated my eyelid, and made me blind.

I would have checked, but the gash made It next to Impossible to actually open my eye.

Still, I was alive and that was enough for me.

I looked up above the dome, and saw the shadows of the treehouses. In the last seven years, the scientists had come forward to the surrounding surviving amazon tribes, and with the translation of the dragonets between languages, formed a mutual village of trust. The village had long since been expanded Into a kind of city network, with everyone helping eachother out to survive In this new world.

More human and dragonet children had been born over those seven years, with Jessica and jerold now having a three year old daughter they named pheobe. The little girl loved playing with me and ocean, and I could tell my friend loved It too, with It even showing through her usually grumpy demeanor.

I came over to a circle of rowan trees, with a pile of fruit In the center. I grabbed one of the delectable pieces, and sat down to eat.

I remembered like yesterday, this place. I had made my first den right outside this clearing.

I mulled over the fight. what was that black raptor creature? from what I knew about earth's flora and fauna, all the dinosaurs were extinct, with their closest living descendants being birds. Could there be other life forms that are similar to earth's dinosaurs out there, and had survived? Maybe someone had found them? but they would have definitely been on the Internet somewhere If that was the case.

it was possible they were extraterrestrial creatures, that hitched a ride with the alien Invaders that wiped out the humans.

I closed my eyes, and closed out all the unpleasant thoughts, enjoying the taste of a juicy pineapple In my mouth..

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