~Chapter 16~

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Caseus sat expectantly outside my den, and I rolled my eyes.

after that, I nervously headed to the clearing with seventeen other dragonets. I sensed the sun about to break the treeline and hesitated. but then I thought of Chris, and I launched into the sky with anger. the morning song began.

I easily twisted in the damp air and whistled my frustration, sadness, and anger to the sun.

the sun's light reflecting off my wings.

I sang for my family. For my friends.

For the world that was lost.

I sang for the humans that never had a chance to be born, to live, to die.

I sang for the world that was destroyed.

we are the dragons of the morning.

our bodies glow the colors of the rainbow.

waking up the world from its slumber.

a new dawn starts, we rise.

in the morning, we soar.

a new day begins.

with the sunrise, we fly,

to bring hope to the world.

There was nothing I could have done. my depression over the devastation was over. hope was reigning supreme. and I sang the morning song with a new spirit.

I finished with a spin, and soared high above the canopy.

i didn't think I could ever truly move on, not really. the loss of my family would always lay heavily on me.

my dad always said we never know what we have until it's gone. I guess for me, that was more true.

the scientists were running out of food supplies. and of course, I wanted to help. but Caseus and the other dragonets had their doubts.

Chris even argued that I shouldn't be wasting my time on humans even though the lab members, were the only hope earth's dominant species had at survival through the devastation.

but I disagreed. I wanted to help. I wanted to.

I knew humans weren't perfect, but they were still my people.

so eventually, I convinced Caseus to try to contact Sahara. predictable, that he would 'entrust' that to me to do.

Eunice was very amused by my predicament.

it didn't help the fact that I still wanted to stab her with a pencil.

so when the time for me to finally be taken in for observation again, I mentally prepared myself to try to talk to Jessica. hopefully I could convince the woman to let me help, and take me to Sahara.

I was nervous and scared as heck, but I kept telling myself that it wasn't like I was going to die. after all, the only person who would maybe do that, was Vincent.

I cautiously stepped into the cage Jessica held at the edge of the dome on my own initiative, which seemed to make her both pleased and surprised.

she closed the cage's door behind me, and I started flicking my tail nervously.

we walked through the usual hallways, until we reached the usual observation room. she set me on the central counter, and opened my cage's door.

I hopped onto the table, and sat down on a sand tray, wrapping my tail around my feet. my wings were stiff with nerves, and I took a deep breath.

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