~Chapter 12~

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 After far, far too long of chasing and clawing at the cat toy, I had slowly become exhausted, and instead of being taken back to the dome, I had been taken to a room at the back, with one hundred or so cages on tables. each one was empty, accept for mine. which was set down in the only empty spot, and the one next to me, which housed a pearly white egg that I could see was as tall as I was.

The egg's outer shell was so shiny, that I could see my reflection in it. Instead of the bright green fading to orange and gold that I had seen when I had first looked at myself, now I could see a stark black figure, with some dark blue undertones.

I guess Jerold wasn't too far off when he had said I had chameleon DNA. chameleons change color depending on their body heat, so they naturally turn black to soak up more heat."

"Wha- oh. It's just you."

"Just me is right, dummy." A cheerfully annoying voice said, with an echo reverberating through my skull.

I didn't say anything in hopes Eunice would go away, but she kept talking.

"Are you going to eat or not? Personally, I don't like the manifestation of hunger."

I had also had various food dishes shoved in here with me, one containing meat, and one dead bugs, which I happily pushed to the far corner of my container. And the last two containing fish and various fruits.

"Well, I guess I don't want to starve. " I sighed.

"Yea you don't! Stuff your face already!" Eunice's disembodied voice snapped.

I sighed once more, before sitting back on my haunches and trying the meat first.

It was good, but I could only manage two or three cubes before I decided to stop. The fruit looked appetizing, but I went for the fish next, scarfing down half the bowl before I went to try the fruit. I sniffed around, and picked out the dried pieces of mango and tossed them into the discarded dead bug dish before happily devouring the rest. Among what was at my disposal to eat, this body seemed to favor fish, and fruit second. That was an interesting development, and something I noted down just in case.

Eunice didn't say anything else for the rest of the night, and with a full stomach, I slipped into the confines of sleep.

Did I open my eyes? I looked around. Hadn't I just been processing information in the blood memories? Most importantly, how did I have eyes? I could see through Aureola's, sure, but I was suddenly aware of her consciousness, dormant and sleeping, at the back of her mind.

Crapppp, crap crap crap. Did she dissociate in her sleep? I do NOT like this.

"Meddler, was this your doing?"

"Why yes, :D yes it was."

I blinked, not actually expecting an answer from the moth. Well this was peachy.

My stomach growled for food, and I turned to check what leftovers Aureola had left for me. I was met with the bowl full of meat cubes, and the bowl half-filled with fish.

The fish seemed like the most appetizing thing, so I ate that.

I suspected that having full control of Aureola's body was only something that could happen every so often. And evidently, for not very long, because I could feel her getting back into full awareness, and I felt myself become a spectator once more as I was pulled to the back of her brain, and she emerged at the front.

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