A Sister's Request

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Elena swiftly snuck back into her house with a smile on her lips. Now that she had been spending more time with Marcus during the day, she dedicated her nights to Lilith. As expected, Lilith told Noah that the baby was his, and not long after that, they had gotten married. Elena did not have the heart to betray Lilith and inform Noah that the baby wasn't his.

And she definitely wasn't going to tell him that Lilith was planning to fake her child's death.

Tonight, Elena had performed a spell to see the gender of the baby. Every single thing Lilith had done was completely forgotten. At that moment, it was just about the baby. The baby boy, they had soon discovered. When the gender was revealed Lilith was happier than she had ever seen her.

It was genuine happiness, which was rare to see from Lilith.

In truth, Elena couldn't blame Lilith for acting the way she does. There has always been some sort of sadness under the mask Lilith has kept on. Elena had only seen it off twice, and each time she knew that there was more to the story that Lilith refused to share.

'I do it to survive, I hope you will learn to do so as well.'

Lilith had told her that more times than she could count. For Lilith, surviving was her top priority.

Elena paused at the sight of Rebekah, sitting on her bed reading something she couldn't quite see.

"What are you doing, Sister?"

Rebekah quickly jumps out of her bed, startled.

"Nothing," Rebekah says as she moves towards her own bed.

Elena sighs at Rebekah's lie before combing her fingers through her hair.


"Yes, Rebekah?"

"Can you show me your magic again?"

"Perhaps tomorrow, Sister. I am tired,"

"You said that the last time,"

Elena looks back at Rebekah with a frown on her face.

"You know Ayana does not like me using my magic outside of her house,"

"I know,"

Elena grimaces at the disappointment in Rebekah's voice.

"Just this one time wouldn't hurt,"

A smile grows on Rebekah's face as she quickly sits up. Elena knew the trouble that was awaiting her was worth it; anything was worth seeing her siblings happy. Rebekah watched in awe as their surroundings began to change. A cold dark room turned into a beautiful forest. The most beautiful combination of colors filled the night sky as the moon shined its breathtaking light blue light down on them. The grass felt like a cloud underneath them.

Elena wasn't sure how long the spell had lasted when the opening of the door broke her concentration.

Esther stood at the door with a frown etched on her face. Elena's eyes slid to Rebekah, who was now sleeping.

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