Chapter 22

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The carriage ride was more tedious than Elena had expected. The whole time the boy had gone on and on about etiquette and the history of the family they were impersonating, not to mention the likes and dislikes of Count De Martel. She was genuinely surprised that Kol had yet to lose his temper, though it was clear that only she and Elijah had been paying attention to the boy's words.

"It is simply beautiful!" Rebekah gushes as they finally approach the castle gates, "Don't you agree, sister?"

Elena looks away from the towering walls of the castle that was constructed of imposing stone blocks. Though she admired the way the walls loomed majestically against the backdrop of the medieval landscape, and was sure her brother, Niklaus, did too by the look on his face.

"I suppose," Elena states blandly.

Rebekah pauses, turning to her sister with a displeased expression.

"You suppose?" Rebekah questions bitterly.

"That is what I said, sister."

With a sigh, Rebekah turns her attention back to the castle, watching as various carriages enter through the gates. It's times like these where Rebekah really misses how things used to be. It's painfully clear that her siblings are not themselves anymore... that she's not herself anymore. It scares her more than death itself. If death was even possible, which it isn't. Not anymore at least. She wants so desperately to get her family back to normal.

Maybe this is their chance?

As they approach the gates of the castle the boy, Lucien, quickly fixes his posture and clears his throat.

"Lucien, servant of Count Martel."

A simple nod is all it took for the guard to give them the go-ahead. They slowly proceeded through the gates, the stony elegantly crafted path leading them straight to the entrance of the castle. Lucien ushers them out of the carriage and walks them into the Castle placing them behind another group of people lined up to greet Count Martel. The moment the Mikaelson's, or rather the Count de Guise's children, stepped foot in the castle they were awestruck. Never before had they seen such beautifully crafted walls, the intricate designs contrasting the plain walls they had grown accustomed to.

Lucien had begun spouting off rules once more of how to address people, what to speak of, and how to curtsy stopping abruptly once he realized their attention was elsewhere.

"For God's sake, all of you stop looking up!" Lucien hissed, pushing Kol's hair behind his shoulder.

"Touch me again and I'll tear your arms straight off." Kol threatens.

"Behave Kol, or I'll bury you in the ground to rot." Finn retorts.

"This isn't going to work is it?" Rebekah questions as her thoughts begin to spiral.

"There's no reason why they shan't believe us sister." Elena deduces.

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