31 📞 sayonara, my love

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

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"So we both know that you have a crush on me too..."

"Who said that to you? A ghost?"

"Some fairy godmother of mine has texted me yesterday, so could you spare me some time of yours and let us see each other in personal?"

"Uh, I don't know"

"Pretty pretty please? With a cherry on top"

"Y/N, if our manager finds out if I do it, I could lose my job"

"Pleeeeeaseee Riki Sushiiii"

"What do I get out of this?"

"The happiness of your future girlfriend"

"I want to see Alex instead"

"He wants to see you too, but that's not the point"

"Bring him with you at least"

"I am the main point of this meeting!"

"I'll give him some rugby ball with my sign on it"

"What about me? What's my gift?"

"You'll just be his babysitter, so do not expect anything. You're not special"

"Oh, and your Jake hyung said you can't stop talking about me, that you blush whenever you texted me"

"Wait, what?"

"Uh, oh.. Nevermind"

"No, you said something that sounded so wrong. What did my hyung say?"

"Uh, out of interest, of course, in what part of Seoul your dorm can be located?"

"Okay, fine. Just change the subject on me. I'll find the answers from Jake hyung. But why do you ask?"

"For some good reasons"

"You will stalk me?"

"Hell no! We're not going to bring that stupid topic again, I'm just planning to take some pictures of Heeseung. In his pink hair!"

"Well, you started it. Plus, I'll warn Heeseung hyung in advance that a wild stalker is going to follow him around!"

"I'm not a stalker!"

"You are!"

"Am not!"

"It is!"

"I hate you!"

"I love - wait.. That's a trap!"

"I know you'll say you love me too, hu hu haha!"

"I hate you!"

"Why are we screaming again?!"

"Because you're a dumbass!"

"Because you love that same dumbass too!"

"Creepy stalker!"

"I'm not!"

"I have to go!"

"Sayonara, my love!"

"Shut up!"

[ beeps ]

"You're just making me love you more, my Riki Sushi"

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q & a :

what kind of nickname
do you love the

oji riki or riki sushi?

The Savage Charmer ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU [ #3 ]Where stories live. Discover now