44 📞 make up and rivalry

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏


"Hey, can I talk to you? Riki Sushi?"

"Why did I answer if not to talk?"

"Hey, Riki Sushi"

"Konnichiwa, Y/N"

"Woah, you finally talk to me in your mother language"

"My voice is better in japanese, right?"

"Wait, so are you still upset?"

"Nah, not anymore"

"Well, I'm going to apologize anyway. I don't want to lose you"

"Me first. I'm sorry for calling you that word. What I said was uncalled for. I should've relaxed first before calling you"

"I'm sorry for overreacting you and for not answering you in a week. I shouldn't have been childish"

"No, Y/N, it was a reasonable reaction. I'm sorry again for hurting your feelings. You didn't deserve to hear it from any cirmcumstances"

"No worries. I don't want to allow Alex in stealing you away from me though. He really bragged on how he got your number from my phone and is calling you from time to time. Why did you never tell me?"

"It's my own friendship with him. By the way, he told me all about the sulking you did in your room"

"Oh, what can I do? I'm like a locked up Princess with no Prince to save me from the pain of missing him"

"Man, I want to be in that Prince's shoes"

"If Alex hear you say that, he's never going to let it go"

"What? Why?"

"Because from the day he met you in personal, he made an announcement after in the house by saying I am his rival to his idol"


"Wow, and here I was thinking you'd just want me to be your admirer but I remember you have hundreds or thousands of girls all over the world"

"Yeah, well, at least you're luckier than them"

"Well, you're basically telling me I'm special"

"Oh my bad, that was not what I meant"

"Oh, he's in denial again"

"Wait... I need to excuse myself. Later again"

"I'm always one call away"

[ beeps ]

"Oh, Alex! I have a bad news to your poor chances to win over me!"

The Savage Charmer ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU [ #3 ]Where stories live. Discover now