43 📞 lovesick girl

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

Bold with italic - Alex

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"Noona, Mom said for you to come out of the room"


"She said you need to eat dinner"


"Am I really the kid in here?"


Several days, six hours and roughly ten minutes since Ni-ki last called her and Y/N had never been so distraught until he happens to be in her life.

Having conversation with Ni-ki made everything alive in her senses, gave her a sense of purpose in the morning and gives a dazzle to her otherwise boring life in school.

She found herself missing his presence in her phone and he was so much than her idol. Y/N wanted to slap herself for not accepting his apology the first time he did, but the damage was done and oh she was becoming miserable without his voice to hear.

As her brother entered her room without permission and set down a tray of food in her nightstand, he said something, "He posted in Weverse about missing an idiot and everything in there is in chaos"

A flash of uncertainty streaked across Y/N's face but it was replaced by beam as she soon jumped out of her bed and her brother knew his crazy sister is back.

Nothing was impossible when you're inlove, though he doesn't know what it means yet.

"Now get out, I need to read it first!", Y/N cheered with a pump of her fist, making Alex marched out of the room and slams the door on her, knowing she's about to get crazy again over her joy.

Sucking in a breath which swelled up the rest of her face, Y/N snatched up the phone from her nightstand and ignored the food there.

She had wished for days on end that it would ring, so Ni-ki could answer and she can hear the voice of her beloved sushi prince.

Now she would make that dream a reality.

A sensation in her gut taunted that Ni-ki wasn't going to answer, that her efforts were pointless. She shoved those thoughts away and crossed every fingers she had, wishing to every angel up there to grant her wish.

He had to pick up. He had to.

The ringtone took a pause and so was her heart before a familiar voice emanated from the speaker.

"Uh, hello?"

"Hey", Y/N nervously raked a hand through her hair, "Can I talk to you, Riki Sushi?"

A ridiculous thought visited her mind, she really should visit a doctor because she have caught the serious case of being a lovesick girl.

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