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The night passed calmly, with half of the city unable to sleep and instead staying up working on flyers. No one told them to do it, they just did it. Everyone had their own way of writing it, their own illustrations. Some of them talked about the King ignoring the rocks, some of them talked about the masked men, some of them talked about the time when Rapunzel was kidnapped, but they made sure, all of them, not to talk about seeing Varian, or about his back.

And the next morning, these flyers and posters and leaflets were set loose on the unsuspecting citizens, thrown out of windows, pasted on the walls, flying out of carts as they passed through a busy morning marketplace.

And pandemonium broke out.

People were storming the castle gates, demanding answers. The sound was so loud that it was heard even in Xavier's basement below and Rapunzel's bedroom high above.

"This wasn't quite as planned." Cassandra said, looking down at the angry mob.

"No, we planned to be a little more discreet about it..." Rapunzel frowned. "We need to get out to Xavier's."

"We'll have to take the tunnels, there's no way we're getting out the door with the mob there." Cassandra pursed her lips. "They acted so needlessly..."

"He really had to tell them everything, didn't he?" Rapunzel sighed heavily. "In retrospect, maybe we should've talked about what to share."

"Hey, it's our fault for calling for a revolution and not telling them to wait for orders. Let's get out of here, we can't even get to the mob to tell them to disperse right now." She went to the door and opened it, gasping sharply when she saw who was on the other side.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Lucas purred in his Royal Guard disguise. "His Majesty has ordered for us to keep you in here, for your safety. After all, the people are very angry." He smirked.

"Move aside, Lucas. We don't want any of your games today." Rapunzel said furiously.

"The only 'games' here, Princess, is your little revolution falling apart because you underestimated just how far unchecked outrage can go." Lucas said mockingly. "But, hey, maybe you'll find another way out. After all," he reached out and gripped some of her hair, earning a wince, "you have such long hair, and it's not like it's your first time leaving by window, is it?"

She forced him to let go and stepped back. "As if I'd take your advice."

"Well, then I suppose you're not going anywhere." He smirked. "A maid will be up soon to bring you your breakfast. Your mother, by the way, is also being confined to her chambers for her safety. So, you're not alone in this." He grabbed the door handle. "By the way, Cassandra, your father is down there trying to quell the mob. Wish him luck." He grinned.

"Wait." Cassandra reached out a hand to stop him from opening it. "You've messed with their minds, haven't you? Made them act irrational. You want something."

He chuckled darkly. "What could I possibly want, hm?"

"If you didn't want us to succeed, you'd have just told my father. You're planning something, or you want us to do something in return for being set free." Rapunzel frowned.

"Well, start offering." He purred.

She growled. "Whatever it is, you can forget it!" She slammed the door shut.

"Temper, temper, little Sundrop." He cooed on the other side of the door.

Rapunzel stormed over to the window and opened it, looking out. "The guards are all distracted...alright, we're getting out." She untied her hair.

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