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Rapunzel was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Why? Because she just got two bad news in one sentence: Pete is a werewolf and has been taken by the Disciples and, by the way, turns out Gothel has been around as a friendly ghost this whole time.

But, hey, good news! She's on their side of the war, because apparently she and Varian were very close when she was alive and Rapunzel honestly wanted to slam her head into the nearest pillow and scream very, very loudly.

"How...could you not tell me this?" She asked, her voice shaking a bit.

"Because I knew you'd react this way." Varian sighed. "Look, yes, I know that Gothel did something bad. But, so did Regulus! If you can give him a chance to prove he's not bad, why can't you give her one?"

"Because I knew Ruddiger a lot longer as a good person!" Rapunzel screeched. "That woman held me captive for years!"

"I know." Varian said gently. "But, that was out of desperation to survive. She's dead now, Rapunzel. She doesn't need the Sundrop anymore and she wants to make things right. Her dependence on the Sundrop, which got pretty addictive, made her use people and throw aside relationships that she could've had." He reached out and took her hand. "Besides, after what I did, you were willing to give me a second chance. All she wanted was to survive, because the Sundrop was keeping her alive. Please."

"She helped me fight Jester, she's chosen our side. And she can't be a bad person, if the ward around Varian's home let her in." Ruddiger reasoned.

Rapunzel pulled her hand away and turned away from them, wrapping her arms around herself. "I-I don't know. I need...I need time."

Varian nodded. "I understand. Do you want us to wait until you have decided before she comes into the city?"

"Yes." Rapunzel nodded. "When...when I am ready, I will come speak to her myself. Where will she be?"

"At the ruins of the tower." Ruddiger replied.

Where she'd died. "Right. Of course." Rapunzel nodded. "So...uhm...Pete...he's gone?"

"He was taken away by Melina." Ruddiger said grimly.

"Is there any good news?" Rapunzel asked.

"Yes." Varian smiled. "We have two of their Mirror people captive. Once they wake up, we'll give them truth serum and find out where the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow is."

"Personally, I think that having Gothel on our side is good news." Ruddiger remarked. "But, I suppose I can't fault you for being upset about it."

Rapunzel nodded. "I have to...I'm going to talk to mom." She turned and left the throne room.

Varian looked at her and then sighed before turning and heading back upside, Ruddiger following behind him.


He stopped short, seeing Queen Elsa coming up the stairs. "Queen Elsa." He greeted with a polite bow.

"You don't need to be so formal, Varian." She reminded him, walking over to stand next to him. "We haven't spoken in a little while."

"Been busy." He glanced away.

"Something's upset you." She frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I want Clyde." Varian sighed. "Thank you, Your Majesty, but...uhm...I'm okay." He walked on past her.

Elsa watched him go and looked at Ruddiger. "Is everything alright?"

"He's just feeling conflicted." Ruddiger sighed.

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