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Both sides spent the next month focusing on their training. While Lucas watched over Frederic and gave him advice, Melina was misleading the guards so they didn't find The House of Yesterday's Tomorrow by using wild animals. Anyone that did find it was swiftly taken in and replaced by the people in the mirrors.

"Do you think they'll actually get through the Ward?" Lucas asked Tromus casually as they watched the replacements meet up with the other guards.

"Selina, why don't you go and track their progress?" Tromus looked at her. She nodded and changed into a dove before flying off to follow them back to the Capital.

"Any word on Varian and my daughter?" Frederic asked grimly.

"Not yet. From the little we've managed to overhear, they are training with the True Seer named Kline that lives in Saporia. Unfortunately, the entire Kingdom of Saporia has been Warded just like the Capital." Lucas sighed heavily.

"And what of the Queen of Arendelle?" Frederic asked calmly.

"She and still in the Capital." Tromus said calmly. "We appear to be at a stalemate."

"Is there no way to remove a Ward?" Frederic sighed heavily.

"Not without killing the one that cast it, I'm afraid. There are Wards that have limits, like the Chastity Ward that wears off when the person it's used on becomes an adult – it's intended to protect children from 'growing up too fast' – but Protection Wards remain until the person that cast it is dead."

Frederic sighed heavily. "And the ones that cast it are staying inside the city."

Kline sighed heavily. "Let's...try that again, Sundrop."

Varian let out a groan as Rapunzel hung her head. "Look, Rapunzel, he already told you the spell isn't going to hurt me as long as I'm not wearing my black rock armor."

"But, are we sure? This thing can destroy black rocks, why am I even learning it?!" Rapunzel cried.

"Because it also harms evil spirits and demons." Kline said, looking exasperated. "Sundrop, please. This will be the last time for today. Just...finish the incantation."

"O-Okay." Rapunzel took a deep breath and started to sing. "Power of the sun, gift me with your light. Shine into the dark, restore our fading sight." She started to lift into the air, her hair and eyes glowing. "Rise into the dawn, blazing star so bright. Burn away the strife and let our hope ignite." A wind started to blow against Varian and his black rocks started to crumble away. "Let hope ignite!"

A blast of energy came out of her body and destroyed the rocks scattered around the room they were training in. Varian was knocked back against the wall but was otherwise unharmed. He groaned and held out a hand towards a basin. "Water, lift and flow. Let me be your guide. Rise from where you lay, let the moon pull the tide." A funnel of water rose out of the basin and into the air. "Break from gravity, erode where you collide. Fly where I design, let the moon pull the tide." He sent it flying at Rapunzel and she yelped as it slammed into her, breaking her out of her trance. "Moon pull the tide."

"Vaaaaariiiiiaaaaan!" Rapunzel whined as she sat up and started to wring her soaked hair out.

He grinned. "You awake now?"

She frowned at him and held out a hand. He yelped as a vine grabbed him around the ankle and lifted him to hang upside down. "Heeey, let me down! No fair!"

"You know how long it takes to dry my hair out!" Rapunzel said, walking over to put her hands on her hips.

Through their training, they had learned that they had more powers than just what Demanitus knew about, which were detailed in the part of the research Kline took away when Demanitus worked with Zhan Tiri – his own contributions. They learned that Varian could control water and had his own healing spell, and Rapunzel could create and control vines like he controlled the rocks and she could also control fire. Also, there was a fourth incantation on the scroll that they didn't know about, which is what Rapunzel had just used.

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