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Varian was woken up in the late afternoon and given food by Regulus. "So, we're going to be doing a few tests." He informed him as Varian ate quietly. "The outcome of the tests determines on what we'll do with you moving forward."

"...Meaning?" Varian asked.

"Meaning, if I can't control your powers with mine and you won't do as I say willingly, then I'll have to take you to the altar room." Regulus chuckled and poked his nose. "And I don't know if the green glow would suit you, blue-eyes."

"...Don't flirt with me." Varian frowned.

"Not flirting." Regulus assured him. "Just teasing. Anyways, I don't want to have to get mean, so it's really in your best interest to do as I say so I don't have to control you. But we're going to test if I can, anyway."

Varian sighed. "How so?"

"Oh, you'll see." He chuckled. "Done eating?"

Varian sighed and nodded, setting his fork on his empty plate before standing up. "Okay."

"Come on." Regulus led him to the door and Varian, knowing he didn't have a choice in the matter, reluctantly followed.

He was led down the stairs again, with Regulus' arm draped over his shoulder, and he cast a glance outside a window as he passed it before stopping short. "Uh—Where are we?!"

"Not Corona. Keep walking." Regulus said cheerfully, leading him along. Varian sighed and didn't resist, his wrists tingling from the magical puppet strings that had been put on him. He was tempted to remove his glove and see if there were actual strings.

What the hell, he was gonna do it. He unfastened one of his gloves and slid it off, frowning as the green, crisscrossing pattern of thin lines, then did the same with the other one. 'Yep.' He thought. 'There's a physical marking. I bet these lines glow when I'm being controlled.'

"Admiring your strings?" Regulus asked teasingly, then opened the door in front of them. Varian was stunned to realize that, while he'd been distracted, he was being taken to the front door.

"Well! Good morning, little bird." Lucas greeted, sitting outside with the other Disciples. They were in some kind of woodland clearing, but Varian didn't recognize the area.

"Sleep well?" Selina said cheerfully.

Varian glanced away. 'It's not even morning.' He thought.

"Alright, puppet." Regulus said, getting his attention. "Time for those tests." His eyes glowed and Varian gasped as he watched the lines on his wrists glow as well. "Remove the rocks from Lucas' arm."

Varian moved against his will and raised his hand, but discovered that, if he didn't want to remove them, they wouldn't be removed. Regulus didn't have complete control over his powers. But, would it be better to play along? He really didn't want to get put back on that altar. He focused and the rocks retracted from Lucas' arm and back into his energy through his hand.

"Hm..." Regulus walked over to him. "Let's try using the rocks again, but this time with me having full control over your body and mind." He said, and Varian's breath hitched as he was forced to step to the side.

He could feel himself losing control, a green fog entering his mind and making it impossible for him to hear anything but a command: Summon a black rock.

He tried to resist it, tried to retain control, but he was struggling. The rock slowly rose and then lowered, then repeated the process a few times.

Lucas laughed. "Regulus, there's children present, don't be lewd!"

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