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Nigel should've known better than to expect to be left alone for too long. He stepped out of his home and stopped short with his heart in his throat as he saw Varian standing outside his door. "Sun Above, don't DO that, boy!" He shuddered and moved to walk past him.

"You're going to bring us to the Bunker." Varian told him calmly, and Nigel stopped short. "Rapunzel is waiting in the war room with a map for you to mark. I suggest you don't waste time." He turned and walked off and Nigel groaned as he followed the infuriatingly-indestructible teenager, glancing nervously at the boy's father, who walked alongside him.

While it was nice to know the man was out of the amber, finding out that he was apparently part of a warrior group from a fallen Kingdom and had secretly been harboring a weapon of mass destruction in the form of his already dangerous son was...not pleasant. But he couldn't do or say anything about his presence in the Kingdom, because the boy's crimes had been completely forgotten because of what the King had been revealed to have done to him.

Nigel still didn't know for sure if it was true or a clever fabrication. Apparently, the boy couldn't remove his armor to show them yet.

They entered the castle and went straight to the war room, where Rapunzel was waiting with the Saporian Prince and Princess - if Nigel had known that that thief was the Prince of Saporia, he would've advised they send him to the bunker right away! - and the rest of the accursed Brotherhood, who Varian swiftly joined so they could create a protective barrier around him - as if he needed it.

"Nigel, you told us under truth serum that you know where the bunker is." Rapunzel told him.

"We want you to take us there." Andrew said calmly.

"And you don't get a choice." Juniper said firmly.

Nigel sighed heavily. He had barely started the day! "...Very well. Is this everyone, then?" He looked around. "Your Lady-and-Waiting and lover aren't coming?"

"They're training with the Royal Guard." Rapunzel assured him.

"I'm coming along." An unfamiliar voice said.

He looked to the side and saw a gray-haired stranger leaning on the table lazily. "'Sup?"

"Who is this?" Nigel asked.

"Oh, this is Ruddiger, once known as Regulus. He's an ex-Disciple of Zhan Tiri and is working with us to stop her people and her return." Rapunzel explained.

"...Ruddiger?" Nigel's brow furrowed. "Wait. Wasn't that your raccoon?"

"Cursed. My old boss was a bi--big jerk." Ruddiger quickly corrected himself when Andrew gave him a sharp look.

"I...see." Nigel sighed. "And when would you like us to set out, Your Hi--Majesty?"

"As soon as you mark on this map," she pushed it towards him, "where the bunker is."

Nigel was handed a quill and sighed, reaching for the inkwell before he moved it over the map. They watched as he scanned it carefully, and then he marked a spot in the mountains. "There." He put the quill back in the inkwell.

"Okay, then." Rapunzel nodded. "Varian, can you memorize it?"

"Already did." Varian said, nodding. "I know that area, too, but I've never seen any kind of bunker there."

"It wouldn't be a secret bunker built in King Herz Der Sonne's time if it was easy to find." Nigel huffed.

"Well, then let's get going." Rapunzel clapped her hands together. "We're going to find the place and see if there are any 'others' still there!"

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