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IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE KEIKO HAD MOVED TO ENGLAND. Knaresborough was beautiful, her family had moved into a beautiful house near the river. What was better is that she lived in a field surrounded by beautiful flowers. Although here was welcoming, it wasn't home. Keiko missed her friends, especially Kusuo. She hadn't messaged him nor did he message her, she was unsure how to start a conversation after their abrupt goodbye.

Sometimes she would just trace her fingers over her lips thinking about the kiss they shared. Sometimes her cheeks would go red and she would wrap her arms around her waist a kick her legs while squealing.

Kusuo told her he loved her, and she loved him too. But fate had to both kick them in the ass and separate them.

Keiko was going to be joining her new school next week, she was given her uniform and a timetable of the sets and classes she was in, the Headteacher of the school looked on her previous school reports in Japan and was stunned to see how amazing they were so he put her in the top sets.

Keiko was settling in well, the only problem was, she was scared she couldn't speak English very well. She knows it and can read English words, she is just not familiar with speaking English. When speaking to the Headteacher, her nerves were thrown to the top when speaking in a language that was foreign to her. She didn't do bad, but she had a very strong Japanese accent.

Today she thought she would try and memorise the area she lived in, so today she went out into the markets to buy some flowers for her mother. Money was different, instead of yen, they used pounds and it was extremely different.

She picked up a bouquet of flowers that were vibrant and colourful, she thought they would be beautiful for the house. She went up to the woman who sat by the register reading a book, it didn't seem like a popular shop as Keiko and one other person whose back was facing her in the shop.

She went up to the woman and placed the bouquet in front of her, "Hi..." Keiko said shyly.

The woman smiled, "Hello." she smiled and checked the price tag, "That will be £7.50, are you paying in cash or card?"

"I-um cash, please-"

"I'll pay for those."

Keiko turned to see an older boy behind her, he had blonde hair layered over one of his eyes, he was wearing a smart but casual outfit. He had a very familiar look in his brown eyes. She also noticed that he was Japanese as well, he had a Japanese accent but it was obvious he was more familiar with speaking in English.

Keiko Mochizuki | S. KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now