thirty three

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{ Third Person POV }

Back at the mansion Roslyn, Isabel, Charlotte, Isla, and Bart are all waiting to hear from the men... but they didn't expect to hear someone kicking on the front door.

Roslyn and Isabel go to answer it together, and stand ready to protect everyone else if needed.

Imagine their surprise when they open the door and see Thomas holding a very unconscious Andrea.
They haven't seen Thomas in what felt like ages, and as for Andrea....she wasn't looking very good.

"Hello, no time to catch up. She'll be dead soon if we hurry." Thomas tells them as he pushes past them and into the mansion.

When Thomas walks in and the others see him and Andrea, they suddenly feel a wave of relief yet also great anxiety. Everyone pushes everything back and focuses on what to do to help Andrea.

"Lay her on the dinning room table."
Bart instructs

Thomas nods,  and waits for Bart to guide him, which he quickly does.

"Isabel, you'll have to cut her clothes in the places of her wounds." Bart tells her

Isabel nods and starts doing it.

"Charlotte, go get warm and cold wash cloths."
Bart orders

Charlotte does as she's told not caring about anything else other than her friends will being.

"Roslyn, your gonna have to help me take the bullet out of her side... Isla you'll need to stitch up her cuts they look to be deep." Bart says

Roslyn and Isla nod.

"You'll have to help hold her down." Bart says pointing to Thomas and Thomas gives a nod as a reply.

All of them get to work trying to keep Andrea alive... they don't even think about calling the others because they are staying busy trying to work quick and at their best.

Andrea's life is on the line after all.


They got Andrea almost all stitched up, and they had removed the bullet... she woke up from the pain screaming. It was a scream that was so painful to hear that Charlotte and Isla started crying.

They couldn't get her leg to stop bleeding after they took the knife out of her leg, and that was adding high stress and worry to all of them.

"Any ideas?" Bart asks rushed and worried

"We'll have to burn it." Roslyn says

"That will cause her a lot of pain. I don't know how much more she can take!" Isla says worried

"But it's the only way we can ensure that bleeding will stop.." Roslyn replies

All of them agreed that it was the best thing they could do. Although none of them wanted too.


The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now