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{ Andrea's POV }

This morning after ——— I shower and everything.
I put my hair in a pony tail, I do my makeup, and then I slip on a pink silk cardigan with a white lace tank top, and white skinny jeans that has holes over the knees, and for shoes I slip on a pair the color of my cardigan. I also throw on some cute earrings.


I walk out my bed room door shutting it behind me ; only to walk into a body. I look up and see Luis.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say politely

"Its fine. I thought Samuele's room was on the top floor.." Luis says

"It is." Is all I say as I start walking down the stairs

I go to the garden for breakfast with Isla. I can't help with breakfast when we have guests because it makes Samuele feel embarrassed...but I'll still be eating in the garden because that's how I stay sane.


Once I get to the garden I see Isla standing beside Donte who was sitting in a chair at the spiral table.
I didn't expect to see this.

Suddenly I hear footsteps come up behind me, I turn around and see Luis again.

"I hope you don't mind us intruding on your breakfast, but Nicolás and Samuele are in a meeting." Donte explains clearly seeing my confusion which is a first.

I just nod and sit at the table, I'm seating beside Donte, and Luis takes the seat in front of me. Leaving a chair in between Luis and I.

The breakfast is already on the table. It looks like fresh omelettes, and fresh fruit on the side.

"How long will they be in their meeting?"
I ask politely to any of them willing to answer

"Probably another hour." Donte answers

"At least.." Luis says in a tone letting me know he knows a lot more than that.

"Is there anything else Mrs.?" Isla asks about to excuse herself. Like hell she will. She's my only constant, and there is no way I'll allow anyone to push her out of my life even in the smallest of ways.

"Yes, Isla sit down, and eat with me like normal..I'm sure the gentlemen won't mind." I say with a smile while looking directly at her

Her eyebrows raise slightly in shock.

"Are you sure?" She questions giving me a look

"I'm sure, have a seat. You've worked hard enough this morning." I answer knowing I didn't help her, and the other maids and butlers aren't in this early, because of the fact that I normally do. She must be pretty tired already. She needs a break.

"Yes ma'am." She says politely as she sits in the chair beside me slowly, as if waiting for someone to shout at her.. but they won't — it was in the marriage contract. Along with some other things.

Such as I didn't have to take his surname, I get to keep my things separate like bank accounts and such, and Isla has to be treated with respect by everyone, or all bets are off. It was the best I could do with the little bit of say that I was given.

The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora