twenty two

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{ Andrea's POV }

I got a dress I knew Samuele wouldn't approve of. I'm not trying to make a show of it, I just want to feel like myself. Whoever that is at this point.. and I want to feel confident and free. I'm not insecure to the point I'm not comfortable in my body, but I'm not as confident as I would like to be.

Maybe a therapist would tell me it has to do with my past and the trauma that I've been through.. but I'm here and alive. So I'm going to do everything in my power from this night on to live my best life to the fullest with confidence yet also humbly.

It's all about a balance, and I owe it to myself to put in the effort to feel good.

Because sometimes it doesn't come naturally least at first it doesn't.


I finish getting ready and as I'm spraying on my perfume.. I hear a knock on my door.
I open it only for it to show Charlotte.

"Everyone is in the larger dinning hall to celebrate Ander and Roslyn." Charlotte tells me

"Thanks for letting me know." I reply

I see her starring at me, and I give her a questioning look.

"It's just that you look gorgeous tonight."
Charlotte compliments

"Are you saying I'm not everyday?" I joke

"No you do..I just meant that you looked prettier than normal..I'm sorry." Charlotte says

"Don't apologize to me.. especially for something so stupid. I'm joking and clearly my sense of humor isn't at its best right now." I say to her

Charlotte gives me a soft smile.

"I volunteered to come get you, because
I wanted to ask you a question."
Charlotte says

"Anything. What is it?" I ask genuinely

"I wanted to know if you could help me redo my hair, as a favor or something maybe. I mean I'm good at makeup, but at every event my hair is straight. It's always straight. I want to try something different, and now I probably sound like a child."
Charlotte rambles cutely

"Stop selling yourself short. I'll help you with your hair quickly if you'll add a little more makeup to make my everyday look. Does that sound like a deal?" I ask her with a smile

Women shouldn't be embarrassed if they aren't good at doing their hair and makeup... and if they ask another woman for help then they shouldn't be criticized for doing so. No woman is perfect.

Some cook, some do hair, some do makeup, some dance, some sing, some act, and some aren't good at any of those things but they are good in sports or fixing cars...and there are some that are good at seemingly doing it all.

Women and young girls should all learn to help each other out. It's not even about not needing a man or a man not stepping up. It's about being there for each other because no one knows the struggle to be a girl other than another female.

"Deal." Charlotte says with her own smile


Twenty minutes later I had more makeup applied making my look more dramatic. Charlotte had her hair curled to perfection, and we were heading to the larger dinning hall which is right next to the ballroom.

"Are you happy with Andrei?" I ask her

"Yeah. He saved me and even in my nightmares he continues to save me when I can't save myself." Charlotte says

"Do you love him?" I ask her as we continue walking to the dinner party

"Yes. I can't really explain why but I do."
Charlotte answers with a smile then she says "I love him more than I've ever loved anyone else. He understands me more than anyone else. I know I can trust him with my life, but more importantly my heart. I know that as long as he is by my side, that I'm protected and loved."

I give her a small smile, I'm happy for her.
I know she deserves it, and I'm sure Andrei does too. However there's a part of me that envy's her for it. 

"What about you?" Charlotte asks me

"I've loved people, but I've never been in love."
I answer

"I didn't ever think I would fall in love, and I didn't know if I wanted too. I had seen the hurt it had caused, and I was already so damaged..but along the way I realized that in order for me to fall in love..I had to let myself actually fall, and I had to be open to feel the love I that wanted." Charlotte says

Then she looks at me and adds "I loved Andrei, and I let myself fall for him over time... but it took a long time before I actually allowed him to love me."

"Thank you for that." I tell her

Then I lightly laugh

"What?" She asks with a soft smile

"I just always heard and thought you were the quiet timid one." I reply

"In most ways I am." She replies back

I nod and say "You seem more outspoken than what others think."

"I don't talk to many men outside of Andrei and Vlad..and I don't really talk to Isabel, and Roslyn. They can be intimidating so I only talk with as few words as possible." She tells me

"Why?" I ask her

"My past has a lot to do with it but I was always kind of shy before that.." She says like she's ashamed of it

"Charlotte, it's okay to be shy and timid, even for someone who hasn't been through the things you have. I understand more than anyone that your past can make you silent. I'm even quieter than what most realize. I've hardly spoken to anyone for over a year." I tell her

No one should feel like they have to be loud, and outspoken to be accepted. She nods and sends me what I'm guessing to be a grateful smile.

We arrive to the dinning hall, and just as we are about to walk in. I look at Charlotte and ask "Now what do you say we show them what two survivors look like?" She smiles and nods. I return the smile.

We open the door and walk into the dinning hall where everyone is already at. Roslyn is the first to see us and she smirks then elbows Isabel, who looks and when she sees Charlotte and I she give us a big smile. The guys look our way when they hear our heels clack in-sync, on the glass marble floor.

Andrei is silently checking Charlotte out, and the rest of the guys just seem to look at us in surprise.

Expect Nicolás who sends me a charming smile. God that man. He's in a black suit, and has the looks of a God himself. I don't even understand how it's possible for one man to be that attractive.

As Charlotte and I make our way to the others further in the dinning hall. I can't help but wonder what tonight will bring.

The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now