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{ Andrea's POV }

Ander walks into the bar room while
Isabel and Charlotte go with Roslyn. They shut the door behind them leaving Ander and I alone. I sit in a near by velvet chair, and he sits in the one across from me.

"Roslyn tells me you want to make a deal."
Ander says getting to the point

"Yes, get me out of this marriage.. and I'll tell you who's been stealing your money, and who's planning to come against you." I tell him

He raises his eyebrow.

"I have proof. I just need your word that after
I show you... that you'll get me out of this marriage to Samuele, and out of Italy." I state

He watches me for a while then nods.

"You have my word." He says

"Samuele is stealing money and weapons from the mafia." I tell him

"How do you know?" He questions

"I'm not blind nor stupid, and honestly he isn't as smart as either of us originally thought." I reply

"Where's the proof?" He asks

"His underboss Donte has it." I inform

"Then why are you the one I'm making a deal with?" He asks

"Because Donte is scared of being accused of betrayal. I however am not." I say boldly for once

Ander nods in understanding.

"So who dares come against the mafia?"
Ander questions

"Samuele is making a deal with your father."
I tell him

"That's impossible. No one even knows who my father is." Ander says getting angry

"His name is Alastair Boudreaux, I know because Artemis told me." I tell him

"Did you tell Samuele?" He questions

"No I wouldn't tell him anything, even if my life depended on it... but somehow Samuele knew before he married me. I don't know how but he must've."
I answer honestly

"Do you know what they're planning?" He asks

"Your father is suppose to crash the ball tomorrow. He's going to kill you so he can run the mafias, and ruin Artemis's name. Then he's going to take me."
I tell him

"Why does he want you?" Ander asks me

"Are you sure you want to know? Because the answer will change everything that you thought you knew. " I ask him making eye contact

He looks at me strangely and then answers "Yes."

I stand up and walk over to the book case in the room which is to my left. It was Artemis's favorite collection, which is why it's in our favorite room.
I grab his favorite book, and inside of it on the page titled 'angel' there's an envelope.

I hand Ander the envelope.

"I asked him not to tell you.. but he insisted on writing a letter in case you ever needed to know the truth. I've never read it but I trust his judgement."
I tell him

I take a deep breath then I start speaking again "I'm going to leave my phone here, look in the voice recordings, and photos... and you'll find all the evidence. If you need more pull Donte aside. I'm going to leave because I'm sure you'll need some space after you read the letter."

Then I walk out of the room shutting the door behind me — leaving Ander to read the letter from Artemis. I walk upstairs to my old room to see how it's changed.


Once I get in my old room, I see it hasn't changed all that much. It still has a view of the garden.. but that isn't the only thing that I see because Nicolás is standing by the window looking out at the garden.

Is this his room?
As if he knows what I'm thinking he answers.

"Isla told me where your old room was. She knew you'd come here. I thought we should talk."
Nicolás says

"We should?" I question

"Yes. Isla is worried about you." He answers as he shuts the door behind me.

I give a nod.

"She has told us some concerning details about your living situation." He tells me

"Meaning my marriage." I guess

He nods proving I'm right, but he seems
highly concerned.

"Why do you seem to care?" I ask him

He looks in my eyes and says "I don't know."

This is such a cliche moment.

"But no woman should ever be treated like some mans lap dog." Nicolás says

"I'm dealing with it." I tell him

He nods and then says "But you shouldn't have to."

"Should anyone have to do anything?" I ask

He looks at me and smiles. 
Throwing me off a little.

"You don't trust easily, do you?" He questions

"No." I answer honestly

"What happened to you?" He questions deeply

"A lifetime of pain."
I say quieter looking into his eyes

He just shakes his head, and when he looks back at me he says "Let me help you."

"You don't know me." I tell him

"But I feel as if I do.." He says quieter as he walks near me then he walks out of my old bedroom shutting the door quietly behind him.

Leaving me alone in my thoughts and as I look out at the garden for once they aren't about my life that seems to be pathetic parkway... but instead they are about him.

He's different than what I've known.

He's somewhat of a mystery.

I just can't figure him out.

Should I trust him?

Should I not?

And would I regret it if I did?

I don't know.

All I know is love, affection, and desire makes you open yourself back up. It makes you vulnerable.

And all I've ever known from that is pain.

The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt