Chapter 34

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Maddy was hysterical.

This couldn't be happening. It had to be a horrible nightmare, maybe a prank that Klaus was playing on her while she slept. A dream he'd created as part of an April Fool's Day joke, even if April first was around half a year away.

One, she was alive. She wasn't supposed to be alive. She was supposed to be dead. Dead and on the Other Side. Alone, to atone for her sins. That would have been better than remaining in the real world, surrounded by everyone except Klaus.

Two, Elena was dead. Her best friend was dead. And Maddy had a nasty feeling that she knew exactly who would have been vengeful enough to kill her. Who else but Rebekah? She saw Klaus die and thought only to get rid of Alaric. She cared nothing for Elena, why would she? Elena was Maddy's friend, and Rebekah loved to make Maddy suffer in any way she could.

Three, Alaric was dead. He had been her friend, too, before death and Esther corrupted him. Jenna would be at the Lockwood Mansion, unaware of how much she would lose in a single night. Her niece and the man she planned to marry, both gone too soon.

She needed to rip something or someone apart. She needed to feed until it ached so bad in her stomach that she could think about a different form of pain as a distraction. She wanted everyone else to feel just as bad as she did. She'd lost many friends in the past, but this was different. Three at once was just too much to handle. Especially when one of them had been more than just a friend.

"I need to see her!" Maddy said when she and Damon burst into the hospital after calling Stefan and Elijah, and learning that they were in the hospital's morgue, after Elena's body was brought in DOA from her 'awful fall' at the Lockwood Mansion.

"Maddy, stop!" cried Meredith Fell when she tried to rush downstairs, colliding into them before they could continue down the hallway.

"Where is she?" Maddy said, shoving Meredith back. "Where is Elena? I have to see her!"

"Mads, stop it!" said Damon in a pained voice, yanking her arms back as Meredith watched her, horrified at the sight of her bloody face.

Maddy struggled against him. "WHERE IS SHE?!"

"You need to know," said Meredith, grabbing Maddy's shoulders and leading her and Damon into a nearby supply closet. "When Jenna brought Elena in here earlier tonight, her injuries were worse than I let on. It wasn't a concussion, it was a cerebral hemorrhage— bleeding of the brain."

Maddy stopped fighting Damon, and he released her arms. "Meredith," she said lowly. "Do you mean to tell me that you... you fed her vampire blood?"

Meredith winced. "Jenna was so worried, I didn't want to tell her, but I-I helped her. She needed my help."

Maddy started to laugh darkly. "Oh... oh, so you helped her... you healed her magically... without her consent? Meredith, are you stupid? Do you realize how unethical that is?"

"Look, if I hadn't done that, she'd be dead permanently. At least now, she'll come back!"

"Are you delusional?" snarled Maddy. "She's going to come back as a vampire! She's never wanted to be a vampire! How could you do that without telling her? If we had known, we would have rushed her to a safe house, where no one could hurt her while the blood was still in her system!"

"Maddy, wait," said Damon. "Hey— just breathe for a second."

"Breathe?" she hissed. "Breathe, Damon? Klaus is dead. Alaric is dead. Elena is dead, and she's going to come back as a vampire! Her life is never going to be normal again, and neither is mine!" She jabbed a finger at Meredith. "You better go and kiss your medical license goodbye because come tomorrow morning you're not going to have it anymore! I will make sure every hospital and practice in the world know about you. You're never going to work in the industry again."

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