Chapter 63

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Klaus wasn't going down without a fight.

"Now, that's just cruel," said Maddy when she got his text, letting him know that he had taken Freya to see Esther to 'ask about how to resurrect Kol in his witch body.' Thankfully, Rebekah had gone with them, but Maddy still found that incredibly mean. Klaus was just trying to make Freya miserable.

Elijah had been most worried that something bad would happen. So, he'd decided that he would go and try to find them while Kol went to consult Bonnie about the spell, so they could brainstorm a potentially outline for it in comparison to whatever Esther provided (if anything).

Maddy was left alone, which had been fine. She felt better relaxing and letting her frustration towards Klaus die down when he wasn't there. She knew that she couldn't be too harsh with him for how he felt towards Freya— he was just trying to make sure she didn't stab them all in the back and deliver Maddy and the baby directly to Dahlia. Still, she wished he could be just a tad more open-minded.

She'd heard a knock downstairs, and had gone to peer out of her balcony discreetly to see who it was. She rushed to open the door when she saw it was Ansel.

"They're all out of the house right now," she said, surprised that he'd come to see her. Sometimes she caught sight of him watching the house to make sure all was well, but it had been quite a long time since he came to speak with her. "How are you? How are things in the Bayou?"

"All is well," he said simply. "The wolves have all been doing well since the wedding."

"You didn't come to that. You didn't get the blessing."

"I would have had to acknowledge Jackson and Hayley as my Alphas."

"And you didn't want to do that because you're... your own Alpha?"

The look he gave her suggested that he just hadn't wanted to bow down to wolves younger than him. "I can already control my abilities. I turn painlessly each full moon. It is a gift, being humbled every month."

"Sure," she said, thinking that if she was a wolf, she'd do everything in her power to be free of that obligation to turn. "Anyway... do you want food, or something?"

"I've already eaten."

"Well... then walk with me to the kitchen, because I haven't."

He ended up munching on some apples while she snacked on some tangerines. He didn't seem to know what to say to her. He clearly just wanted to keep her company since he knew that literally everyone was busy and unable to pay any attention to her.

"Are you well?" he asked, noticing she kept massaging her stomach.

"I'm fine," she promised. "She just kicks a lot. Specifically when I eat and when I'm trying to sleep. Once she dragged her whole elbow over my belly. I swear, Klaus nearly had a heart attack thinking she was going to bust her way out of there."

Ansel's lip twitched. "And it does not hurt you when she does it?"

"Some discomfort if she kicks for a long time in the same spot. But I think she can sense that it's hurting me because she usually stops after a while. The thing that's worst is the fatigue. I'm always tired and drowsy no matter how much I sleep. Kol and Bonnie make me these teas that are supposed to help but since they're witch herbal remedies, the Traveler magic sort of cancels it out and renders it useless. At least they taste good."

"I know some herbs that witches do not tend to use, as they are harder to obtain. They may help, as they might not be counted as part of Spirit Magic. I could bring them to you tomorrow."

"Ansel, you don't have to do that."

"I wish to. I recall my wife would have very difficult pregnancies, and it always helped her. You may not be petite but you are incredibly frail, and this labor will take a toll on you. Best this is fixed now so that you may conserve your strength. When will you be giving birth?"

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