Chapter 62

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A/N: Just reiterating— it's been around 3 months since the end of the last chapter, and nothing exciting happened because Freya and Dahlia were still under their sleeping spell, because I am not doing the Liz Forbes cancer storyline (I love her too much), and because I don't want to or need to go into TVD Season 7. This is all you need to know: the heretics are fine and happy, especially Nora and Mary Louise, Lily is fine with them but not with her own kids which is whatever but at least she's not dead, and also, for this story, it will be canon that Valerie destroyed Julian's body and got rid of the Phoenix Stone somehow so that Rayna Cruz isn't a problem. Additionally, Valerie x Stefan is canon here. There will be no going into TVD Season 8, it's unnecessary. At this point in time, Elena and the others have graduated from high school and have been in college for a few months. Also, Hayley was never shown to have any major symptoms from the pregnancy aside from feeling the baby kick, so just assume all is well, the little one and Maddy are healthy, and Klaus has grown more and more connected to them throughout this process. Oh— and happy Valentine's Day! Love you all, thank you for supporting my stories :)

Freya couldn't stop staring at Maddy.

Maddy found herself looking down at her belly often, considering she was now seven months pregnant and felt like she had a watermelon strapped to her body. She ran her hands over it constantly whenever she was exercising or experiencing mild fatigue or back pain. And, during check ups, she'd have her eyes fixed on her tummy or the ultrasound screen— no in between. She understood Freya's fascination, even if it was unsettling.

She genuinely thought she'd make it through the entire pregnancy without having to worry anymore. The worst thing that had happened was Damon flipping out about how she married Klaus without telling anyone. He'd calmed down slightly when he learned it wasn't an actual wedding, just paperwork. Still, he'd been devastated to know that his baby sister was officially a Mikaelson. Aside from that, all had been well, and Maddy was just looking forward to meeting her due date, which would be sometime in late December.

And then, out of nowhere, this woman arrived with her warnings, letting them know that their peace was over.

"As I said to Finn," said Freya calmly once they'd sat down, eyes fixated on Maddy's stomach, "I am here because of a spell Dahlia cast, placing me in a deep sleep for a century, only to then wake for a single year of life. I've repeated this cycle for hundreds of years. It started as a way for us to stay young and beautiful. She said if a witch can't be immortal, this was the next best thing. But, in time, I realized that all her stories were paired with lies. After I attended the Christmas party here in 1914, I had my coffin placed in the Dowager Fauline Cottage to use the signature of other witches to hide me from Dahlia."

"Forgive me," said Klaus sharply, "but from what it sounds like, you are implying Dahlia is alive."

Freya nodded. "She doesn't just live— she hunts. I fled from her long ago, and I've been running ever since. To Dahlia, any act of betrayal is punishable by death. When I approached Finn, I told him Dahlia was my cross to bear. She would have no grudge against anyone but me. Then, however, he revealed to me that you both are expecting a child. The curse she placed to take the first-born of every generation still stands. Now... I have come to warn you." She tilted her head. "Where are Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah?"

"Occupied, at the moment," said Klaus a bit flatly. "Elijah and Kol are helping their girlfriends reorganize their dorm in Tulane. Rebekah is in Mystic Falls, likely having dinner with her boyfriend."

"They will need to hear this when they return. If Dahlia has sensed your child, she's already on her way."

"They defeated Esther," said Maddy calmly, trying to be optimistic for once. "Dahlia will be meeting a lot of resistance. No way is she taking my baby." She put her hand on her stomach, which had grown a significant amount. "We're having a little girl. We confirmed it not that long ago."

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