Chapter 36

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Jeremy somehow confirmed Klaus's suspicions.

After the service, the entire group had been asked to meet them at the Boarding House, where Connor had been knocked out and placed in the cellar.

"Woah," said Jeremy when he poked his head in and saw him. "That dude has some nice ink."

"He has what?" said Maddy, not sure what the hell he was talking about.

Jeremy pointed at his arm. "His tattoo. I think it's really cool."

"What are you talking about?" asked Damon loudly. "He doesn't have a tattoo."

The younger Gilbert frowned. "Are you guys messing with me? How can you miss it? It's huge."

"There's no tattoo, Jer," said Elena awkwardly. "I have no idea what you're seeing, but..."

Klaus narrowed his eyes. "Jeremy, aren't you a bit of an artist?"

He nodded. "I mean, I sketch, I don't paint like you."

"Then draw the tattoo. In case it is not clear to you by now, you are the only one who can see it."

"Um... okay." He dashed off to get paper and a pencil.

"Why can Jeremy see this invisible tattoo?" asked Elena.

"Maybe because it's only visible to humans?" suggested Stefan.

"Not the case," piped up Jenna, who had been more than happy to join the fray when she learned there might be something new happening to distract her from her pain. "I can't see it."

Bonnie moved forward, taking Connor's arm and waving her hand over it. She muttered a few words. "Do you see it now?"

"No," said Maddy. "Do you?"

"I can. That's weird."

"Perhaps," suggested Klaus, "the witch who originally created them was a Bennett."

"Time out," said Damon. "Who's 'them?' Is this dude part of some creepy cult?"

Klaus didn't respond. Jeremy returned, and sat down in front of Connor, starting to draw.

"In the meantime," said the hybrid, "I must speak with my siblings. I shan't be long."

Maddy raised a brow at him, but he didn't explain anything even while noting her confusion.

"Hey Mads," said Damon, "think you can tell your boyfriend to be a bit more vocal?"

She shrugged. "I don't know what this is about. I don't think he's ready to tell us yet. Could be something dangerous. He made me promise not to kill this guy. Said we'd have problems if we did."

"Hold on," asked Caroline. "Does he mean like we, as a group, will have problems if we kill him, or you two will have a relationship problem if you kill him?"

"I think he meant us, as a group. Which makes me worry about who this guy really is."

Connor had woken up before Jeremy had finished drawing the tattoo. Damon kicked him into the wall, sending him back to sleep. At last, Jeremy held up two pieces of paper, showing off what he saw in Connor's arms. Strange branch-like ropes leading up toward his shoulder, though they stopped suddenly after his elbow, as if there was more to it, but he hadn't yet gone to the shop to get the rest done properly.

"That mark on the back of his hand," observed Tyler. "It's like the marks on the bullets."

Someone cleared their throat in the back, and the crowd parted to let Klaus through. Once he saw the tattoo, he let out a light sneer. "We have our work cut out for us," he said. "I will question him. The rest of you, leave."

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