Chapter 77

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Marcel was just as surprised as them.

"I had no idea that Aya was gonna take Klaus and Elijah down," he said to the group gathered, waiting to figure out what the hell they were going to do now that they knew the Mikaelsons had been put in a Chambre de Chasse so that they could be transported to the Davilla Estate. "And, regardless, why the hell are we trusting this guy all of a sudden, huh?"

Lucien, who was frantically slurping from a blood bag, said, "I may have arrived to this city with less-than-honorable intentions but considering The Strix had me captive and desiccated for a week, I'm more than happy to aid in their downfall."

"We only know one part of our plan right now," said Maddy urgently. "Jeremy, Jo and Vincent are staying here with the babies. The rest of us are agreeing to go and storm the Strix Coven house. We're getting them out of there."

"The de-siring spell might already be underway," said Freya gravely. "We won't make it in time."

"It's not just about the de-siring spell anymore," panted Lucien. "We've got to stop an execution."

All heads turned to him. "What does that mean?" asked Caroline worriedly.

Lucien took a moment to breathe before saying, "They aren't sure Dwayne's heart will be sufficient. I was coming to warn... because Tristan wanted Madeleine. The Strix, however, would have been fools to attempt to grab her, knowing full well they'd have a great deal many people defending her. Aya will allow The Strix Coven to perform the spell with Dwayne's heart, then will test the spell's success by firing a white oak bullet into Klaus's heart. I mean, it's a win-win for her— if you live, Marcel, well, she's won, and she will kill Elijah and Rebekah immediately afterward. If not, then at least she would have eliminated the rival sireline. Aya might kill Rebekah as well, even if it does not work."

Kol was shaking his head. "Alexis said she saw Nik die and his entire sireline burn. Literally every vampire here is part of his sireline. With Madeleine, it remains without confirmation but I'm fairly certain you were turned by Damon's blood, not Hope's. Still... practically everyone in this room will die if this goes astray."

Lucien nodded gravely. "She watched us fall, she watched us burn, every soul Klaus ever turned. When Aya tests this spell, Klaus will fall either way. And, if the heart is insufficient for the spell, all of us will die as well."

"Let me see what I can find out," said Marcel, setting down a blueprint of the Davilla Estate for them. "Don't go anywhere." He brought out his phone and went into a different room to make a call.

Everyone in the room huddled around the courtyard table, which wasn't exactly the easiest thing. Jo and Vincent decided they ought to take the girls upstairs, which meant two less people crowding around the tiny blueprint. Freya, Kol, and Davina then slipped away to see if they could find a way to break the Mikaelsons out of the Chambre de Chasse so that they wouldn't actually have to storm The Strix Coven house.

"Could use one of these access tunnels to slip into a back room," suggested Stefan.

Lucien just hummed, and Stefan asked, "What? Worried about getting a little dirt on your thousand-dollar shoes?"

Damon and Enzo snorted appreciatively, but Lucien was not impressed. "Actually, I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting, since the vampires we're facing are, what? Seven times your age? Is this really the best help we can get?"

They looked up as Marcel came back. "Doesn't matter. We're not getting their bodies back. Strix from all over the world are flying in to make sure this spell goes off. They're guarding every entrance and exit."

Lucien made a face. "Well, you're their leader. Call a meeting. Schedule a retreat. Order them to stop."

Marcel shook his head. "Nah, nah, nah, nah. I do that, Aya has no problem staging a coup."

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