Our Typical One - 6th January

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I'd always see people dedicating other songs for their partners

I wanted to do that too

But which song should I commit to you?

Have you listened to Lover by Taylor Swift?

Because I'll always save you a seat everywhere I go

And of course, I'll agree if you want to let your friends crash in the living room

Also, even if it's already January, we can still leave the Christmas lights

When we're both feeling lazy, or we had a petty fight.

What about pov by Ariana Grande?

Because I've never felt so confident about my skills, abilities, or even merely just about myself

No one has ever trusted me the way you did

No one has ever looked at me the way you did

And although Ariana was still learning to trust and believe in herself when pov was just being written

I feel like I've already learned what she was talking about with you, and the idea makes me smitten.

I'm sure you've listened to this, Mundo by IV of Spades

I've only felt both home and the world in you, love

And I want to feel like that forever

And because you'll be leaving

I want you to stay when you come back

Because without your eyes, your smile, your laugh, and you touch

I feel like my heart's in total lack.

I don't know

There are really a lot of songs I want to dedicate to you

I want to save all of them for you

But I want to commit only one thing to you

An only one, a very unique one

I don't want to dedicate every song to you

I want a piece that says it all together.

How about you? What are you even thinking about this poem right now?

Do you have a song to dedicate to me?

Upon thinking about it

I realized that the song I want to dedicate to you still doesn't exist

But it will be a typical one.

Our song will be as lame as unexpected food deliveries and gifts just because we want to

The times that I typed my responses or even whisper while you speak on call because I don't have my own room and Mama would hear

It will be lame as sweatshirts and hoodies all smelling like musky chocolate and strawberry vanilla because we cuddled for too long, and now, we smell like each other

The song would also talk about how we would be on a video call even if we're also at a call for online classes

It will be the innocence yet maturity you have that sometimes I don't understand.

I want it to be about how I always imagined and wished that you would dance with my on my 18th birthday

Because I didn't get to celebrate it traditionally

And you know that all I really wanted for a traditional debut was to be danced by the man I love

I want it to be the moment I put my arms around your neck while we intensely look at each other's eyes

And in that very moment, we will know the future we'll hold together, and I'd look away because you're making me shy.

I want it to be the moments you'd ask my tarot cards

And even if I haven't explained their messages yet

You're already searching for each card's meaning and analyzing it on your own

It's also the way you asked me how I spiritually cleansed and what do I use

It's like you also wanted to do it yourself too.

Oh, and of course, I wouldn't forget where it all started

Our song will be as lame as a school paper

There would be a particular part in the bridge where it said how we would write and finalize the verses together

How you suddenly become the group's spokesperson when we're presenting because I'm anxious to speak

How you convinced me to take a rest and leave all the work to you because I'm already overworking.

By the time you're reading this, we're probably already together

We didn't work out

Or you're leaving

So even if we're not together physically or romantically

I'd still wait for our song, our lame prose, our typical yet special one.

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