Untitled - 11th February

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It took me so much time to decide

If I should write again

To cope up with everything that's been happening

Right in front of red and tired eyes

But there's this huge force

Telling me to write it out

Because I know there's nothing wrong about it

Except that you'll know how much I'm desperate

For you to stay

Yet I also know that

I don't wanna lose this opportunity

To create a masterpiece

Out of my pain.

Here I am 

Exposing my naked truths

Into your eyes

How the independence 

The strength

And the power

Are just my masks

How I bail my eyes out

In almost everything I hear or see

How acnes dominate my face and my body

Unlike what you see on my socials

How I'm too vulnerable

and fragile right now

For you to leave.

But I'm not gonna say that

I can't say that out loud

So instead I'm writing this manuscript

So you can know

How my breaking voice

Will say each word

To your ears. 

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