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Christina's POV

Bella was saying goodbye to Renee and Phil while I impatiently waited by the plane entrance with my carryon bag

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Bella was saying goodbye to Renee and Phil while I impatiently waited by the plane entrance with my carryon bag. It's been three years since I've seen my dad, all because Bella couldn't put up with the cloudy weather to visit with him for only two weeks for the summer!

I put up with boiling hot temperatures to please Renee and her! Couldn't she return the favor? Don't get me wrong I love my sister. We're twins, we were born together, we'll grow old together, and we'll die together but there are somethings that I can't forgive.

When Bella 'put her foot down' and stated that she no longer wished to visit Forks I begged Renee to let me move in with dad, but she refused. She kept using Bella and I as weapons to punish him, and manipulate him, if he wanted to see us or call us he had to kiss up to Renee.

I saw all the toxic behavior that Renee and now Bella had. I kept my mouth shut to keep the peace, but it was all over now. Renee wanted to spend more time with her new husband, so she was shipping us off to our father. She even signed over her parental rights leaving dad our legal guardian until we were 18!

The tearful goodbyes were finally over, and Renee approached me "Listen to Bella, make sure the house is clean and dinner or breakfast is always ready for her to eat, don't hog the shower like you always do with your fat ass. Oh, and most importantly make sure that my baby gets into a good college. We have a lot of many saved up for her to go abroad" she said coldly.

I nodded and without a word walked onto a plane. I sat in economics while Bella sat in first class. I had the whole row to myself, so I didn't mind. I jammed in my earbuds and listened to my goddess Hasley while rereading Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief. The plane was ride was only two hours before we landed in Seattle.

I got up, and grabbed my bag before quickly exiting the plane. I went to luggage pick up and grabbed my cute suitcase.

(Her luggage)

(Her luggage)

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And then I headed to pick up

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And then I headed to pick up. Looking around until I spotted a police cruiser with a familiar male standing in front of it, holding a sign that said:

Isabella & Christina Swan!

I bolted towards him and leaped up into his arms "Daddy!" He dropped the sign and caught me "Christie!" He proceeded to spin me around in his arms. We both laughed as people watched us with adoring smiles. He set me down and held me by my shoulders, looking me up and down "Look at how beautiful you've grown! You look just like your grandma, except for the red hair."

He twirled a piece of my short hair between his fingers "You cut your hair?" I nodded "I thought that it was time for a change" he nodded "It looks good. I like it" I sighed in relief. The truth is that Bella pour some black tar on my waist length wavy hair while I was sleeping in I couldn't wash it out, so I just cut it all off. It was now messy and straight, I looked like a rebel or a crazy pixie, but I found that I liked it.

Renee was furious with me for cutting my hair, despite it being Bella's fault. She hated short hair and said that it made me look like a 'tranny' or a 'fag'. As you can see she's homophobic and transphobic. Too bad I'm bisexual leaning towards women. I don't know what it is but I can't stand being romantically touched by men despite being attracted to them. It always felt like I was betraying someone.

I hugged my dad again "Thank you" he wrapped his arms around me and turned his head to kiss my temple "You're welcome, princess" our touching moment was interrupted when Bella nasally cleared her throat. We broke apart and turned to look at her scowling face. Her arms were crossed, and she was tapping her foot like a cartoon mom about to scold a child "Where were you?! Have you been here this whole time?! Why didn't you wait for me?! I needed help with my bags!"

(Bella's luggage)

(Bella's luggage)

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I blinked "You never told me that you needed help with your bags

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I blinked "You never told me that you needed help with your bags. We were on separate parts of the plane, so I assumed we would meet up with dad" I said genuinely confused. I had warned her about packing too many bags, but she said to mind my own business, so I left it alone. Her scowl depended, "You 'assumed' wrong! You stupid bitch!"

Dad got in between us and said "Okay, that's enough, Isabella. Renee may put up with that crap, but I won't! Christina is your twin sister and while you live in my house you will respect her and you won't call her names, am I understood?" He said in an angry tone. Bella was startled because as the golden child, she could do no wrong "Now apologize to Christie and let's go home" her scowl returned, and she scoffed.

"Sorry" she muttered as she knocked shoulders with me before entering the passenger seat. I sighed as I grabbed all the bags and went to the trunk. Dad walked over and opened it up "What did you mean by 'we were on separate parts of the plane'?" He asked concerned, I sighed as I shut the truck and picked up the duffel bags "I'll tell you later."

I got in the backseat with the duffel bags and buckled up, Dad got in the drivers seat, and drove off. We were on the road for about half an hour and during that time dad tried to talk to Bella, but she blew him off with one worded answers. He sighed then looked at me in the rear view mirror "So Miss Holiday is offering you a job as her teacher assistant for the  ballet studio, are you interested?"

My face lit up "Hell yes!" I practically bounced in my seat. I loved ballet and dancing and kids, so this job was perfect! Bella decided that she wanted to talk to dad now "What about me?!" She demanded in a squeaky voice.

Dad frowned seemingly disappointed in himself "Well I didn't know that you were looking for a job. Chris, told me before hand so I asked around for her. I did hear about a job at the public library if you're interested?" He offered, trying to make amends.

She scowled and folded her arms, then whipped around to face outside the window "Perfect" she muttered as she jammed her earbuds in to listen to 'classical music'. I glared at her, and shot a concerned look to dad who waved me off. I sighed and leaned backwards and looked out the window. I saw a sign that said:

Welcome to Forks!

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