Bella's depression and Jake's change

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Christina's POV
No real surprise, but the Cullens left.

I didn't blame them. After the birthday fiasco, I'd avoid Bella and I as well. They didn't really have to leave though, but since Bella was blackmailing them they decided to completely cut Bella out.

Bella became depressed because none of the Cullens were talking to her. Dad was confused until I explained that Edward and Bella's relationship was toxic towards Edward. He was surprised that Bella manipulated, blackmailed, and emotionally abused him.

When I brought up Renee's behavior towards him, and compared the two, he grew quiet. I think he finally realized how toxic both Renee and Bella were.

Anyway, the Cullens still talked to me, and Keira. They explained the world of supernatural to us, and told the truth about the painting in Carlisle's home office. They were the vampire kings which was a little bit intimidating, so I decided that asking Carlisle about Caius's info was a bad idea.

After about three months of this, dad decided to send Bella back to Renee. This didn't end well as Bella threw a tantrum and started hanging out with Jacob. Jake seemed estatic about spending more time with his childhood crush, but after one week of being alone with her he begged me to start hanging out with them.

Bella, apparently, made him uncomfortable.

Keira and I started coming over with the excuse that Keira and I wanted to learn more about mechanics. Jake was pleased, but Bella wasn't. Jake is 15 1/2 and about to turn 16 in January, and Bella is 18! She no business sniffing around him like that!

Anyway after fixing the bikes Lauren and Jessica suggested a movie night in Port Angeles. I took a lot of debating but between the girls wanting to see the romantic comedy 'Isn't it Romantic?' and the boys wanting to see the horror movie 'The Lodge' it was decided that we would see the action movie 'Face Punch'. Keira and I invited Jake, and Bella invited herself.

When we got there it was just me, Keira, Mike, Bella, and Jacob. Tyler and Angela had gotten sick, so Lauren and Ben hung back to take care of them Eric and Jessica were also sick, but had no one to take care of them as Mike dumped Jess after hearing that Bella was single again and Eric was caught cheating on Angie with.....drumroll.....BELLA!

Ben had stepped up to the plate and helped Ange get over him, but remained as her friend only. He didn't want to be a rebound, and wanted their relationship to be real.

We got in and halfway through the movie Mike got sick. We followed him out and Bella started flirting with Jacob making him become uncomfortable and he started shaking weirdly. When Mike came out, he was sweaty and pale. "I think I should go home, I must've caught that stomach bug that everyone's been getting."

We all nodded, but Jacob scoffed and rolled his eyes. We all gave him a funny look and Mike stupidly continued "I was feeling a little sick before the movie" this seemed to piss off Jacob even more "If you're feeling sick then go to a hospital, want me to put you there?" Jake abruptly stood up and began storming up to Mike as if he was about to beat him up.

Keira and I got in between them and tried to calm Jacob down while Bella grabbed his hand and said "Woah! Jake! The movie's over!" What does a movie have to do with Jake's crazy behavior?! Keira reached out to touch his cheek and yanked her hand back as if she'd been burned "Jake, you're hot, like really really hot. I think you have a fever" that seemed to snap him out of his terminator mode.

"I don't know what's happening to me" he said shakily "I need to get out of here, I need to go home."

Keira and I nodded sympathetically "We'll take you home, honey" I said sweetly, which seemed to make him relax. Keira and I walked Jake out of there leaving behind a dazed Mike and a jealous and suspicious Bella.

We took Jacob home and explained what happened to Billy who seemed to know what was going on. We started to leave, but Jake called out to me from his room where I'd tucked him in. I went to check on him and saw that he was shaking and sweating on his bed. I ran out and started to fill a bowl up with cool water. I grabbed a rag and a trash can and walked back to Jake's room.

I dipped the rag in the water and laid it across his head, and set the trash can beside his bed in case he was sick. I held his hand and rubbed soothing circles on it "Hey, Jay, you need to get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow with some soup—" "Chicken noodle?" He asked with a weak smile.

I smiled back and said "Whatever you want, sunshine" he chuckled and said "I missed this, I missed you" I got teary eyed and said "I missed you too" "I'm sorry I got so absorbed with Bella I forgot about my best friend and my other big sister" my voice cracked as I chuckled "Just get some rest, honey, we'll talk tomorrow" he nodded and passed out.

I placed a gentle kiss on his burning forehead, and Keira took me home. The next day I made chicken noodle soup as promised and had dad taste test it. Once it was perfect I brought it to the Blacks' house.

I handed Billy the soup and he was about to turn me away when Jake appeared and pulled me into a hug. He looked as if he hadn't slept at all and was still the same temperature as a furnace. I dragged him back to bed and started taking care of him, but I had to leave when Sam and his friends appeared.

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