The kings

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3rd POV
There were mixed emotions in the throne room.

Christina stood there looking confused and shocked about everything that happened in the past 20 minutes. Her head couldn't quite wrap around it or comprehend what was happening.

Alice and Edward were in shock both by Bella's appearance and Edward was also surprised that the dear friend he believed to be dead was in fact alive and well. Well, if you leave out the fact that she ran a marathon to save his life and fought of a panic attack while doing so then Christina was just fine.

The kings were relieved that the mate they waited nearly a millennia for was alive and also excited to get to know her and make her their queen.

The guards who were saddened by the news that their queen was dead and enraged in the Cullen boy's part in it were now stunned and relieved by the sight of the kings meeting their future queen.

Bella on the other hand was confused and enraged by the sight of her twin sister being surrounded by the kings of the vampires. She'd overheard Alice saying that Edward had gone to the kings to kill himself out of guilt, and knew that he must've found out about Bella jumping off a cliff. Bella was relieved that Edward still loved her and not her twin as she originally thought after skimming through her twins emails and finding out that Edward had contacted Christina.

Bella knew that she still had a shot at immortality yet so she followed Alice and Christina to Volterra and made sure to wear something sexy. She was meeting the kings of the vampire world and if Edward refused her again then Bella was done wasting her time on him and would simply move onto the kings, but it seems as if there was a wrench thrown into her plans as she stared at her twin being surrounded by the kings who looked at her as if she hung the moon, sun, and all the stars in the sky.

Jealousy once again festered in Bella's heart and everyone could see a storm brewing in her eyes as she glared at her twin who was more focused on the kings in front of her than anyone else.

Christina's POV
I stared at the Greek gods before me. All three had snow pale skin that looked soft and smooth and they all had red eyes varying in shades.

The tallest had wispy brown hair that fell to his shoulder blades. He seemed to be the oldest of the three at around his mid to late thirties placing him anywhere between 35-38. He stood around 6'0 and he once held a heart broken look in his blood red eyes that made me think of dying roses for some odd reason.

The middle man seemed to be around 5'9 which was taller than my short dancer form at 5'1. His raven hair reminded me of the night sky as it swayed along his shoulders, and I briefly thought that he was the secret love child of Snow White and a Greek god. I took note of his stunning apple red eyes that held a look of mischief as well as a calculating look as if he was Loki's son looking for someone to wreak havoc upon.

The third male was around 5'8.5 and had platinum blonde hair that fell to his chin and nearly blended in with his pale skin. His eyes confused me as I couldn't pin point the exact shade of red. I bounced between blood and pomegranate red as he seemed to make me think of him as the child of Hades and Ares despite the fact that I always pictured both men as brunettes.

They all had the same look in their eyes though as they stared at me. A look of absolute adoration as if I only needed to give the command and they would kneel before me as if I were their goddess....or their queen.

My mind raced as I remembered what Alice said as she appeared from behind me and what the kings had so lovingly called me 'Mia regina'.

I somehow managed to tear my eyes away from them and look at Alice "Alice? Are they...?" I tried to ask but my brain was still trying to wrap my head around the situation. Alice nodded and sympathetically looked at me "Marie, meet your mates the Volturi kings Aro, Marcus, and Caius..."

I felt shock over come me again. I hadn't eaten in the past three days and now I was feeling faint my body began to sway as if I was about to faint, but I was thankfully snapped out of it by Bella's dying cat voice screeching out a "What?!"

Huh, I guess Bella's obnoxious voice is good for something after all.

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