The break up

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Christina's POV
Keira and I broke up.

Let me explain what happened during the past two months since Jacob's strange behavior at the movies. Bella started harassing and obsessing over him like she did with Edward. Jake to his credit tried to avoid her at all costs but when she showed up at his house while he was sleeping and barged in sending Billy to the floor he was helpless in the situation.

Keira had been sleeping over more to help me deal with Bella, so when she stormed off in a huff we followed her. We helped Billy back into his chair and ran after Bella as she approached Sam Uley and his gang. I noticed that a girl was with them and staring at Keira but paid no mind to it as Bella just slapped a guy who turned into a giant wolf!

Jacob ran out and leaped into the air turning into a wolf as well. He protected us and Embry, Jared, and the girl who I found out was called Leah took us to Emily Young's house.

Sam came back with Jacob and Paul and Jake dragged Bella out to explain everything to her privately since he knew that she would cause a scene after he told her that he imprinted on Raven Uley. Sam explained everything to us and Leah confessed to imprinting on Keira.

Keira, to her credit, denied this and explained how she was already with me but I pulled her outside and spoke with her.

"It's not true, Maisie! I love you! I'm not going to leave you for her!" Keira promised, but I merely caressed her face and said "You have to, Ria, she's your soulmate" I smiled sadly as Keira shook her head in denial "How many girls can say that they found their one true love? Please just go to her like I know your heart is screaming for you to do" I pleaded as we both started to cry.

I knew I was right as Keira had been unable to take her eyes off of Leah since we first saw her.

"Maisie..." Keira started but I cut her off "We will still be friends, and I'll always love you, but right now we need to stop this. Leah is your soulmate not me. I'll just....get out of both your ways" "No, no, Maisie please, no I love you, I love you!" I tearfully smiled and kissed her passionately one last time feeling her soft lips covered in her favorite honey milk lip balm.

I wanted to memorize her lips and silently tell her that everything was going to be okay, that this was the right thing.

Then I pulled away and walked home. We had taken Keira's car and I needed to clear my head. When I got home the house was empty, so I just went upstairs to my room and started sobbing on my bed.

It was the right thing to do, right? Leah is Keira's soulmate I can't keep them apart. Keira will be happier with Leah. Leah will take care of her. It was the right thing to do, but why does it hurt so bad?!

Dad came home and I tried to muffle my sobs into a pillow which thankfully worked until Bella came home slamming doors and stomping around and just throwing a tantrum in her room. Dad came to me to ask what her problem was only to see me in tears. He rushed to comfort me and asked what was wrong I only said "Keira and I broke up" his face fell and he pulled me into his chest where I continued to sob. We ignored Bella which pissed her off even more.

I didn't go to school for two weeks before I reluctantly got out of bed and showered then left with a box of Keira's things in the passenger seat.

I didn't go to school for two weeks before I reluctantly got out of bed and showered then left with a box of Keira's things in the passenger seat

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I showed up only to see Keira waiting for me with a box of her own and we quickly traded boxes being careful not to touch each other. We couldn't even look at each other.

I walked to my classes Tyler approached me and said "Keira told me about what happened. You must really love her a lot if you're willing to let her go to be happy with someone else" I nodded feeling empty. Tyler frowned and pulled me into a hug before whispering "I personally think the you and Keira are endgame not Keira and that Leah chick."

I continued school numbly. Everyone heard that we broke up but no one knew why. That's good Keira didn't need to be slut shamed for something that wasn't her fault. When I got home Bella started screaming at me but I ignored her.

"Stop being such an attention whore! You and your 'girlfriend' broke up! Get over it! Life moves on! There are more important things for you to worry about! Like me! You know your twin who's been depressed! Hey! Are you even listening to me?!"

I shut and locked my bedroom door before breaking down ignoring how Bella was pounding on the door and hurling insults at me.

I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the right thing.

But why does it hurt so bad?!

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