Bella needs to shut up

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3rd POV
Bella was livid. Christina always got everything she wanted. It didn't make sense!

Bella was kind, smart, beautiful, graceful, and sexy. She was deserving of good things. Yet somehow Christina was the twin who was mates to the kings. Christina her ugly and stupid sister that Bella should've killed in the womb was the queen of vampires. No! This had to be a mistake!

"That's not possible!" Bella snapped out, making the kings glare at her and the guards hiss protectively over their new queen. Alice, Edward, and Christina shot Bella looks silently telling her to shut up, but she stupidly ignored them and continued.

"There's no way that Christina could possibly be your mate! First off two of you are married! Second Christina is a fucking fag! She got dumped by her girlfriend not too long ago" Bella stated arrogantly as if she didn't literally show up here with the intent to seduce the kings into giving her immortality.

The kings and the guards looked ready to rip Bella's head off. Bella was either blind or stupid because she didn't take notice of their gaze and probably assumed it was disgust at her twin sister "I came here to get my boyfriend back only for you guys to get confused and think that my disgusting dyke of a sister was your mate! It's beyond ridiculous! There's no way that my useless, stupid, untalented, and ugly sister-"

Thankfully Christina was now fed up with her and stormed over slapping her earning shocked but pleased looks from everyone in the room as she said "Bella, would you please for once in your life, shut the hell up!" Bella looked at her sister in shock. Christina had always been submissive and go with the flow now here she was interrupting and slapping her then telling her to 'shut up'? Bella wouldn't stand for this Christina needed to be put in her place.

Bella raised a hand ready to slap her back only for Christina to catch her hand. Bella struggled against her twin "Let go you fucking bitch!" Christina's grip tightened around her wrist "No! First off what right do you have to talk about my past relationship that you had nothing to do with?! Second I think that a vampire can tell the difference between their mate and their prey!" Bella was about to retort when Christina continued.

"Now I've put up with a lot of crap from you and Renee over the years, but now I'm done! You say that I'm the stupid one? I've been doing both your assignments and mine since we were in first grade, and I made sure that we both got 100%! You say that I'm the useless one? I cook, clean, work part time, do both our school work, and take care of you and dad! You say that I'm the untalented one? I'm currently majoring in linguistics, English, history and minoring in calculus and science and don't get me started on my dancing career that I started when we were 4 years old! I have scholarships and people trying to buy me to attend their college because I'm so good that they want the publicity that I can bring them!" Christina ranted as feelings that she kept bottling up bring her to the end of her rope.

"You want to say that I'm the ugly one? Have you ever looked in a mirror?! You're ugly inside and out! I'm done covering for you! When we get home I'll be telling dad and the board of education everything you and Renee have done to insure your bright future. I don't care anymore. Now you go wait in the waiting room while I talk to the kings" Christina proceeded to drag a stunned Bella out. Bella snapped out of her stupider and began to struggle.

Suddenly two vampires appeared by Christina's side "My queen, please, allow us to handle her. You seem exhausted" the shorter blonde male said as the tall brunette promptly removed Bella from Christina's grasp. The two escorted the dazzled female out. Christina sighed and began to feel the past 18 years catch up to her as well as the additional stressful three days without food or sleep weigh down on her.

Christina started to sway again and this time she couldn't hold back the fatigue. She began to faint, but thankfully Marcus zipped over and caught her "When was the last time she ate or slept?" He demanded as Alice gasped in realization "I'm so sorry I forgot that she needed to eat!" The kings glared at her before Aro turned to Jane and Alec "Go to the kitchens and have them bring up something for the queen to eat in Marcus's quarters" they both bowed and said "Yes master" but beg they could leave Edward spoke up and said "Make sure that it's vegan. Christina is allergic to meat."

Startled by this information the twins quickly nodded and rushed downstairs in hopes of getting an adequate meal to help their queens poor state. The kings and the Cullens left the throne room and walked down the halls to an office type bedroom.

It had rows upon rows of bookshelves and had touches of blue indicating a silent favoritism towards the color

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It had rows upon rows of bookshelves and had touches of blue indicating a silent favoritism towards the color.

Marcus carried his unconscious mate to the bed in the far corner and laid her down gently upon the old and slightly dusty bed that would need replacing now that his mate would be using it.

Marcus carried his unconscious mate to the bed in the far corner and laid her down gently upon the old and slightly dusty bed that would need replacing now that his mate would be using it

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Alice approached her and removed her shoes before tucking her in gently. Christina rested after being throughly exhausted by the past events. The vampires immediately took seats on the leather blue couches and Alice allowed Aro to read her thoughts before relaying the events that had happened after Alice's original vision of Christina nearly being murdered.

There was a sudden soft knock at the door and Marcus quietly called out "Enter!" As to not disturb the queen. Alec opened the door and Jane entered carrying a tray of vegan food prepared especially for the queen. Jane quietly guided over to the queens side and carefully set the tray down on the nightstand.

The queens nose twitched from the delicious smell of the food and she let out a groan as her stomach growled. Christina reluctantly opened her eyes and nearly drooled over the sight of the delicious meal that had been brought to her.

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