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Adora's POV
I sat on a train, riding from Detroit, Michigan to Seattle, Washington. Apparently airplane security doesn't take kindly to service dogs riding in an airplane seat. Being blind and mute with asthma and epilepsy doesn't get me a free pass. Neither does Aegeus's ex military status.

I breathed softly as I stroked Aegeus's fur, and listened to the sounds that the train made as it moved with the occasional blow of its horn.

After my dad died in action his captain retired Aegeus and gave him to me. Seeing my dad get blown up gave him PTSD, so they had no use for him, and threw him away like trash.

Aegeus was very protective of me and never left my side. His training from the military and from my dad made him the perfect service dog for me. We just avoid fireworks now.

We now had to move in with my mother's ex husband and my half sister since she's too busy with her new husband to take care of the blind and mute daughter that she abandoned at age one on her father's doorstep.

The train suddenly stopped and I stood up as the conductor began telling everyone to grab their bags and exit. I took my bags down from the shelf, I didn't pack much just a suitcase and a duffel bag. Aegeus jumped down and grabbed his leash in his mouth and nudged my hanging hand with his cold wet nose.

I took the leash out of his mouth, and swung my purse over my shoulder. I grabbed my bags and had Aegeus lead me out. He walked me to the front of the train station where we waited until a masculine voice called out "Isadora?"

I turned towards the voice and grabbed my flip phone. It's buttons contained braille letters so I used this to communicate. I quickly began typing, and an automatic voice asked.

"Charlie. Swan."

The voice replied "Yes! That's me! That's a neat gadget" I began typing again.

"Thank. You. Where. Is. Isabella."

I could feel Charlie tense "She's at home, she hasn't been the same sense her boyfriend dumped her. I'm hoping that you can whip her into shape" I frowned and nodded. So he was using my 'sob story' to snap Bella out of her funk because some D-bag dumped her? Fun.

"Let. Aegeus. Search. You. First."

"Okay" I heard him mumble, I dropped the leash and typed out the command.

"Aegeus. Search."

I heard Aegeus leave my side to sniff Charlie down. Once he was satisfied that Charlie wasn't carrying firearms, explosives, or drugs he returned to my side to hand me the leash back. I typed out the final sentence.

"You. Are. Clear. Let. Us. Go."

Charlie grabbed my bags and Aegeus followed him while leading me to a police cruiser. Aegeus got in the back and rested his head on the center console. I got in the passenger seat and buckled up while Charlie put my bags in the trunk. Once finished he got in the driver's seat and drove us to Forks.

Our new home.

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